EB Mafia

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is it weird if i wanna have sweet and sour chicken for breakfast?


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That's fair.   I really regret voting out voting out salty.  I did vote out vhab last night, but understand that the timing of my vote would appear questionable. 
To be clear, my list above isn't indicative of anyone being mafia. As presented it's a only a spectrum of towniness. At the time of that posting there were no clean signals among the active players that anyone was mafia or was allied with a known mafia player.

I don't consider pile-on votes in my analyses. They are mostly irrelevant, and don't factor in on the town-mafia spectrum.


Nice analysis. Agree for the most part, except I wasn't the first to vote for Vhab yesterday.  I was the fifth to vote, and the 3rd to vote for Vhab, not that it really matters much.
Did I get the order wrong? looks at yesterday's spreadsheet. Oops yeah. JK->nikr->duran

Either way, the third vote was still a critical vote last night. So my teiring of you doesn't change. However I should probably upgrade NikR to "probably townie".

Overall conclusions are unchanged.


This I don't. Plus you haven't been voting.

I voted on the first day, for roar, in a manner which didn't matter at the time. I was trying to peterb the system and generate discussions about the game. A tactic which I was transparent about in several posts earlier that day. First day votes are usually blind, and I'm reluctant to contribute to the removal of a player and potential ally without actionable information.

I held off on voting last night because I wanted to see if another clique emerged closer to vote deadline. The tally was close enough for the mafia to mount a rallying vote, or some other kinda of diversionary tactic until the last hour. No such effort emerged and instead there were some pile-on votes that discouraged such any such rallying attempt by the mafia. Those extra votes deprived me and other townies of potentially useful data.  With so many extra votes the outcome was fait accompli and there was not reason to add to the pile.

I voted on the first day, for roar, in a manner which didn't matter at the time. I was trying to peterb the system and generate discussions about the game. A tactic which I was transparent about in several posts earlier that day. First day votes are usually blind, and I'm reluctant to contribute to the removal of a player and potential ally without actionable information.

I held off on voting last night because I wanted to see if another clique emerged closer to vote deadline. The tally was close enough for the mafia to mount a rallying vote, or some other kinda of diversionary tactic until the last hour. No such effort emerged and instead there were some pile-on votes that discouraged such any such rallying attempt by the mafia. Those extra votes deprived me and other townies of potentially useful data.  With so many extra votes the outcome was fait accompli and there was not reason to add to the pile.
Thanks for the explanation.  It still does not justfy you being "very likely townie". 

*squinty eyes*

Ghost question on Tournament rules: So would we know if a night kill occurred and was countered by the doctor or would it just show up as no night kill? 

For example, if Maf decided to kill JK and a JOAT used the doctor role to save her would it be recorded as "No night kill" or "attempted night kill on JK but thwarted by Doc"
Good question!
I'm going to refer you to the rules that I posted at the beginning, see below.

Jack of All Trades (JoAT)

  • Doctor - Standard doctor role; you can save someone by sending the mod their name. In Tournament Rules the thread will not learn the specific name of the user saved by the JoAT from the mafia, they will only know that the mafia did not complete a night kill.  If the person has been saved, they will continue to live in-game, unaware they were targeted, and the JoAT who used the Doctor skill will be the only member who knows they were night targeted/saved.
Also, thanks for letting me know about your preferences for the weekend, I was going to ask about that this morning.

Tonight will be the last vote/night actions for the weekend. We will resume on Tuesday morning.

I think I'm going to go ahead and count posts from all weekend toward the minimum post count.

Thanks for the explanation.  It still does not justfy you being "very likely townie". 

*squinty eyes*
That is a fair statement. Based only on my behavior this round one could not come to the logical conclusion that I am "very likely townie". That would require previous knowledge of how I behaved in past rounds. That same could also apply to TJ.

With that in mind, I will point out my various posts on Wednesday, where I pointed out that non-game discussion only helps the mafia and how I tried to get the discussion more game related. Without PMs, or risk of exposing the town's special characters, the town only has the public posts as evidence or who is potentially mafia. Therefore it is in the towns interests to talk about the game and implications of actions.


alright. enough spam for today. Time for business.

@DuranDuran are you a special character?

@vhab49_PE and @JayKay PE what did I miss about turnips yesterday. I feel like I'm missing a reference?

@SaltySteve Weclome to the game. Are you a townie?

@squaretaper LIT AF PE why did you stop claiming to be mafia?

@ChebyshevII PE Are you the doctor this round?


1) [randint(1,13) player], then ask if they are [randint(1,3) role]?

2) I was actually wondering where the discussion on turnups came from

3,4) [randint(1,13) player] ask about something unique to them

5) obvious joke

If I were mafia, I would encourage the spam posts. But I am a townie. The town can't communicate outside the thread to coordinate with each other. The only information we get is through: (1) joat actions which can't be described out in the open; (2) trying to interpret conversations and relationships in conversation between players. I need more data. The town needs more data. So I'm trying to generate game related conversation and the only way to do that is to start poking random people.

Fellow townies: silence and non-sequiturs only helps the mafia win.

My behavior on Wednesday night and Thursday was consistent with attempting to keep the conversation going around related statements. Although admittedly it was more in the vein of neutral data gathering than coalition building. However there were a few posts the reiterate my desire for the town to win (including me).  At the very least these behaviors should count as tilt townie, or probable townie.
