EB Mafia

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Sounds like the MOD needs some assistant MODs to keep everything in line.

@JayKay PE, can you wrangle any of your alter ego's / pseudonyms on the board to assist?


Sounds like the MOD needs some assistant MODs to keep everything in line.

@JayKay PE, can you wrangle any of your alter ego's / pseudonyms on the board to assist?

@JayKay PE, I'll be assistant mod. Just let me know who the mafia is and I'll help you keep track of everything. Deal? 😜

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anybody having a good lunch today?
(no voting, no intel, not sure what to talk about. :)  ) 

I'm prolly going to have leftover pizza. Because easy.


its Cinco de Mayo and taco tuesday. So of course we are having tacos.

My wife isn't feeling well and didn't want to eat lunch. She just had some fruit. And I didn't want to dirty any dishes just for myself. So I had a single leftover BBQ rib, and a single leftover bagel with cilantro-jalapeno dip. #nodishes #fingerfood #lazymeal

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