EB Mafia

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According to this:


Tracker: Gets name of player on whom target performed an action (e.g. if Cheb is Maf and targets Jean, Roar can track Cheb and get from bot that Jean was Cheb's target). Note that this doesn't appear to work the other way around (i.e. Roar will not get "Cheb" if Roar tracked Jean).

Motion Detector: Gets yes if target either performed an action or was the target of an action (unknown which is which), but no further information.

In light of this, I'd assume the tracker's information is secret, at a minimum. I could see the mod/bot revealing the results of the motion detector to the public by keeping details hidden; the motion detector for that night would know what to do with the info.
*adds entry into EB Urban Dictionary.....CAF - Confused As F***

So the motion detector would be used to confirm regular townies, as it's highly unlikely a special role player would NOT use their ability.  Therefore, getting a "no action" report would probably mean the target was a regular townie.

*adds entry into EB Urban Dictionary.....CAF - Confused As F***

So the motion detector would be used to confirm regular townies, as it's highly unlikely a special role player would NOT use their ability.  Therefore, getting a "no action" report would probably mean the target was a regular townie.
Yes, or the selected player chose not to do anything. Which I'm not sure is legal in this tournament setting.

Yes, or the selected player chose not to do anything. Which I'm not sure is legal in this tournament setting.
It looks like the mafia kill is a faction kill (vote as a group) and it's mandatory, so any of the mafia players would be tracked doing the same activity.  However, it doesn't say the doctor or JOATs are required to take action, so a JOAT can investigate and get feedback on an idle doctor or JOAT and they appear to be regular townfolk.  I doubt this ever happens though.

Each individual player may make a maximum of 150 posts per day phase
  Damn, I'm going to need to cut down. @jean15paul_PE thanks for the re-post/summary of the rules. 

According to this:


Tracker: Gets name of player on whom target performed an action (e.g. if Cheb is Maf and targets Jean, Roar can track Cheb and get from bot that Jean was Cheb's target). Note that this doesn't appear to work the other way around (i.e. Roar will not get "Cheb" if Roar tracked Jean).

Motion Detector: Gets yes if target either performed an action or was the target of an action (unknown which is which), but no further information.

In light of this, I'd assume the tracker's information is secret, at a minimum. I could see the mod/bot revealing the results of the motion detector to the public by keeping details hidden; the motion detector for that night would know what to do with the info.
Holy fk that's a lot of roles. 
Favorite I noticed so far: The Purple Goo will passively and reflexively cause their role to be switched with any player targeting it at night. 

Actually, I think the 'tracker' role is similar to the cop because it lets you know if someone visited or was visited.  I assume a majority of the time the mafia players will always 'visit' someone.  Someone being 'visited' is either being visited by the mafia or the doctor.
Durian just posted this, but rules say it's mandatory to visit as mafia. 

just an announcement that since the game is completely different i am going to try to switch things up from my usual approach so feel free to ask if people are mafia bc i am going to attempt to not just blanket ask in groups of 2-4. 

thank you for listening. 

also, i am not mafia.


Alright guys here we go again...

There are townsfolk, and Mafia members. Townsfolk are going to try to eliminate the Mafia before the Mafia eliminates them. The game ends when either all of the Mafia is eliminated (town wins), or there are fewer townsfolk than Mafia members (Mafia wins).

Since this is a mock-tournament, we will be following the rules that @Lissa had forwarded to our crew.   A big change to our usual rules is that there will be NO PMING outside of people who have roles, who will be communicating in moderator PM threads, and you MUST post at least 5x per day (before 9PM EST) to proceed to the next voting day.  It is in the interest of both mafia members and townies to not prematurely lose members by not posting (this does include spam)

The game will start on Tuesday, May 5, 2020.  There will not be a lynching on the first day; lynching will begin on Day 2.  Mafia can lynch the first night.

There will be three (3) characters in this round, with one of the characters encompassing 2 of the standard characters we’re used previously.  I’ve described them, and their roles, below:


  • There will be 3 mafia members.  
  • It is mandatory for the mafia to kill someone each night.
  • Mafia can communicate at any time via PM to other mafia players.
  • The mafia kill is displayed as an action to the Tracker and Motion Detector (actions of the Jack of All Trades [JoAT]).
  • The mafia response must be received by 9PM EST.
Jack of All Trades (JoAT)

  • There will be 2 JoAT players.
  • They are separate players and will not be in communication with each other.
  • The JoAT player will have the following actions: 9x Doctor, 9x Motion Detector, 9x Tracker
  • Doctor - Standard doctor role; you can save someone by sending the mod their name. In Tournament Rules you will not learn if you saved someone from the mafia.
  • NEW ROLE Motion Detector - Motion Detecting another player will detect any motion surrounding that player that Night. If they visit someone or were visited by someone else, you will detect motion. If they did not visit anyone and were not visited by anyone, you will not detect motion. You will not learn what type of Night Action was used on or by your target or who used those actions.  The mod response to this skill is ‘Motion detected’ or ‘No motion detected’.
  • NEW ROLE Tracker -  Tracking another player informs you who that player used a Night Action on that night, if any. You will not learn what type of Night Action your target has.  The mod response to this skill is ‘Tracked player used a night action on BLANK’ or ‘Tracked player did not use a night action’.
  • The JoAT response must be received by 9PM EST.
Unlike the mafia, the JoAT can choose not to use a night action. If you do not submit an action, you will forego your action on that day. Keep in mind that if you have multiple uses of your abilities, you must cycle through all of them before being allowed to reuse any of them.


  • There will be 10 Townie players.
  • Townies cannot use night actions.  
  • Townies can have night actions performed on them (kills, saved by doctor, motion detected, or tracker). 
  • Townies can begin to lynch on DAY 2
  • If Townies lynch a special character, the role will be revealed.
I will be sending more specific instructions to the members of the Mafia and the JoAT. If you did not receive a PM from me, then you are a regular townsfolk.


You may use this thread to vote and post about the game. Anyone (playing or not playing, eliminated or not) can use this thread to speculate, discuss, accuse, or otherwise participate in the game; just please make sure to follow regular EB forum guidelines.

To vote on a person to eliminate, begining Wednesday, May 6, 2020, mention me @JayKay PE and tell me specifically that 1) you are voting and 2) the username of the person you are voting to eliminate.

Example: @JayKay PE I vote for @Roarbark because he has abandoned the 103 children that he adopted from @ChebyshevII PE

Please submit your votes by 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM Central/7:00 PM Mountain/6:00 PM Pacific Time/Whatever Roar and Bly-time.

Your vote only counts if you are playing and not yet eliminated. If there is a tie for most votes, I will pick one of the voted users at random and/or require the tied players to send me 10 rounds of 'rock, paper, scissors'. If there are no votes, I will pick a person at random (i.e. role will not matter) to eliminate; suffice it to say it’s in both groups’ best interest to vote for at least one person.

Finally, you are not allowed to reveal your role, privately or publicly, after you have been eliminated. You may not post screengrabs of private messages in this thread.

For reference, the 15 players in this round are:

@ChebyshevII PE, @DuranDuran, @txjennah PE, @tj_PE, @jean15paul_PE, @MadamPirate PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @blybrook PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @SaltySteve, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, @chart94, @vhab49_PE, and @Audi driver, P.E.

I will be sending out messages for specific roles in a few. If you do not receive a message by tournament start tomorrow, then you are a regular townie.  Please note that @RBHeadge PE will be cc’d on all moderator PMs during this round of gameplay in an attempt to better understand ‘Tournament rules’ (and to probably help me in my moderating duties this round, since I am still a little shaky on

If you have any questions, or you would like me to tell you which players are still standing, please let me know.

Good luck to everyone!  Let's have fun and hopefully I don’t have a nervous breakdown!
