EB Mafia

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So a tracker is not an investigation, hence no "cop" role?  Tracker only knows if the targeted visited someone, but no role/status is revealed.  Same with motion detector, right? So no roles can be revealed to the townies.  

I see a lot of disadvantages to the townies, but maybe it's more balanced than I think.  The special role players can't hint too much what they know, otherwise they'll be easy nightkill targets.
Actually, I think the 'tracker' role is similar to the cop because it lets you know if someone visited or was visited.  I assume a majority of the time the mafia players will always 'visit' someone.  Someone being 'visited' is either being visited by the mafia or the doctor.

Actually, I think the 'tracker' role is similar to the cop because it lets you know if someone visited or was visited.  I assume a majority of the time the mafia players will always 'visit' someone.  Someone being 'visited' is either being visited by the mafia or the doctor.
Oh I see, because if the tracker tracks the doctor and the doctor "saves" someone who died didn't need saving, but then someone gets night killed, you don't know if the person tracked was mafia or doctor.  The information is useless until more information is available.  

I think it's going to take at least a couple of rounds to grasp the concepts here.

@DuranDuran,  continuing on my previous post because I got distracted and pressed send and don't want to edit:

'Tracker' role is similar to the cop because it lets you know if someone visited or was visited.  Anyone who visits someone else is either mafia or the other JoAT (aka: special townie).  Since mafia kills are required every night, mafia should 'visiting' someone every night.  I can see a gray area if the doctor 'visits' a mafia person, because they were led astray, but it would still count as 'visiting'  I think the real important part with using this role is being very thoughtful on who you are tracking.

'Motion detector' role is actually a weaker/more confusing cop role that just says if there was motion involving the target.  So if the target is mafia there will be 'yes' on motion (because they visit).  If the target is visited by someone (mafia and/or doctor) there will be a 'yes' on motion.

I'm still trying to figure out if the 'Motion Detector' and 'Tracker' roles would count towards motion and/or visiting?  That's my main confusion.

WAIT.  I think the 'Motion Detector' role just says if the person used or was a target an ACTION that night.  So, the answer from the mod would be either yes or no with the following scenarios:

Mafia visiting = action = yes

Person killed by mafia = targeted= yes

Doctor visiting/saving = action = yes

Person saved by doctor = targeted = yes

Tracker tracking = action = yes

Motion Detector...detecting = action = yes

Person chilling in house unaware of nonsense going on = no action = no

Since the mafia + JoAT need to have an action every night, I could see the motion detector being used as a quick way to 'confirm' normal townies if a 'no' response is given.

Does the JoAT just trigger the chosen tool each night and then the "bot" communicates the results to the entire game?  Similar to announcing the results of the night kill?  Everyone would know what tool was used and the results, but not necessarily who has the role of JoAT.

Does the JoAT just trigger the chosen tool each night and then the "bot" communicates the results to the entire game?  Similar to announcing the results of the night kill?  Everyone would know what tool was used and the results, but not necessarily who has the role of JoAT.
Hmm, interesting question. In our games, only the person with the role knows the results for sure (save for the doctor, where a successful save is announced to the whole group the next morning).

I'm so screwed this round.

I've read the rules and ready to give it a go. BUT I expect to be killed off early for being the cop last round. Repercussions and all.

*pic snip*

I'm so screwed this round.

I've read the rules and ready to give it a go. BUT I expect to be killed off early for being the cop last round. Repercussions and all.
Uh.  The only reason I'm safe is because I'm the mod.  I'm going to overhaul the mod 'entry' welcome to hopefully explain things.


Does the JoAT just trigger the chosen tool each night and then the "bot" communicates the results to the entire game?  Similar to announcing the results of the night kill?  Everyone would know what tool was used and the results, but not necessarily who has the role of JoAT.

Hmm, interesting question. In our games, only the person with the role knows the results for sure (save for the doctor, where a successful save is announced to the whole group the next morning).
It has to be only revealed privately to the JOAT (via the bot), right? Communicating it to the entire town would be way too much public info.

I don't know for sure, but I assume this.

It has to be only revealed privately to the JOAT (via the bot), right? Communicating it to the entire town would be way too much public info.

I don't know for sure, but I assume this.
According to this:


Tracker: Gets name of player on whom target performed an action (e.g. if Cheb is Maf and targets Jean, Roar can track Cheb and get from bot that Jean was Cheb's target). Note that this doesn't appear to work the other way around (i.e. Roar will not get "Cheb" if Roar tracked Jean).

Motion Detector: Gets yes if target either performed an action or was the target of an action (unknown which is which), but no further information.

In light of this, I'd assume the tracker's information is secret, at a minimum. I could see the mod/bot revealing the results of the motion detector to the public by keeping details hidden; the motion detector for that night would know what to do with the info.

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