EB Mafia

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Edited to add the descriptions of the JOAT abilities
Can you explain the difference between "tracking" and "watching (motion detector)" and how that information is fed back to the JOAT?  So let's say the JOAT PMs the mod and says, "I want to track @_____ or I want to motion detect @_____"  What happens?

Can you explain the difference between "tracking" and "watching (motion detector)" and how that information is fed back to the JOAT?  So let's say the JOAT PMs the mod and says, "I want to track @_____ or I want to motion detect @_____"  What happens?
I think it'd be a standard "I pick this guy/gal."

After the night phase (i.e. in the morning, after the mafia kill is announced), the mod (or bot) would inform the motion detector/tracker of their results.

The lack of any PM townie thread makes this a completely different dynamic vs our previous games.  The JOAT role seems the most critical, since any info is critical to the rest of the townies, but any info must be shared publicly, therefore putting them at risk for night kills.  

Can you explain the difference between "tracking" and "watching (motion detector)" and how that information is fed back to the JOAT?  So let's say the JOAT PMs the mod and says, "I want to track @_____ or I want to motion detect @_____"  What happens?
My understanding ...

Let's say I'm mafia and I want to kill Cheby.

If the tracker watches me, they get "jean15paul visited someone tonight"
If the motion detector watches Cheb, they get "Cheby was visited by someone tonight"

Tracker detected the actor. Motion detector detects the actor and the "actee".

Not just for mafia. It would be the same for the doc. Not sure if the tracker or motion detector show up to the other tracker or motion detector?


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So you're good on all the rules @JayKay PE because I"m sure we'll need some guidance. 

Also has everyone read the rules. Please do, as this is new for everyone including our mod. (Tagging everyone.  @ChebyshevII PE, @DuranDuran, @RBHeadge PE, @txjennah PE, @tj_PE, @jean15paul_PE, @MadamPirate PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @blybrook PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @SaltySteve, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, and @chart94 @vhab49_PE @Audi driver, P.E. )
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  I still have no idea about the tracker and motion detector roles, but I think I get it?  I think they get their answer after every night.  Since the first day does not have a lynch, but I think there is a night kill (riggght?), the JoAT could use either tracking or motion detector on someone.  This is interesting because I am assuming all mafia would have the following results for tracker (visited the person who was killed that night) or motion detector (target visited someone), but it would not be discovered until the following morning.  

I could easily see how the mechanics would work with the JoAT/cutting down the confusion of the cop potentially ganging up on the doctor being confirmed as a "special townie".  I mean, if one JoAT tracks the other (who uses their doctor skill that night), it would say they visited BLANK.  I'm not sure if they say who was saved by the doctor during the night phase, but if BLANK is not killed during the night (but someone else is), JoAT 1 can determine that JoAT 2 is prob not mafia (since I am assuming regular townies do not move/visit during the night).

I'm also assuming motion detector counts tracking as a visit?  I'm still trying to get a complete grasp of the difference of the two positions.

My understanding ...

Let's say I'm mafia and I want to kill Cheby.

If the tracker watches me, they get "jean15paul visited someone tonight"
If the motion detector watches Cheb, they get "Cheby was visited by someone tonight"

Tracker detected the actor. Motion detector detects the actee.

Not just for mafia. It would be the same for the doc. Not sure if the tracker or motion detector show up to the other tracker or motion detector?
Quoting you again because why not.

I think I need to 'play out' multiple scenarios like you have above to help figure out the dynamics/how the mod will respond to inquiries.  

My understanding ...

Let's say I'm mafia and I want to kill Cheby.

If the tracker watches me, they get "jean15paul visited someone tonight"
If the motion detector watches Cheb, they get "Cheby was visited by someone tonight"

Tracker detected the actor. Motion detector detects the actee.

Not just for mafia. It would be the same for the doc. Not sure if the tracker or motion detector show up to the other tracker or motion detector?
I think the only difference between my understanding and yours on this is that there isn't a distinction between "was visited" and "visited". It's more like, "was this person affected", to which the mod/bot would reply "yes" or "no"

I think the only difference between my understanding and yours on this is that there isn't a distinction between "was visited" and "visited". It's more like, "was this person affected", to which the mod/bot would reply "yes" or "no"
I agree.  I think if the tracker skill is used for a specific player the result would be "Specific player visited someone", "Someone visited specific player", or "Specific player did not move tonight".  Motion detector would be a "Yes, Specific moved tonight" or "No, Specific player did not move tonight"?  Does that make sense?  Motion detector seems to be the 'loosest' skill, since someone moving could be mafia, the doctor, a tracker, or another motion detector.

I'm assuming trackers do count as visiting someone?  There is a lot of confusion over this with me.

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So a tracker is not an investigation, hence no "cop" role?  Tracker only knows if the targeted visited someone, but no role/status is revealed.  Same with motion detector, right? So no roles can be revealed to the townies.  

I see a lot of disadvantages to the townies, but maybe it's more balanced than I think.  The special role players can't hint too much what they know, otherwise they'll be easy nightkill targets.

So a tracker is not an investigation, hence no "cop" role?  Tracker only knows if the targeted visited someone, but no role/status is revealed.  Same with motion detector, right? So no roles can be revealed to the townies.  

I see a lot of disadvantages to the townies, but maybe it's more balanced than I think.  The special role players can't hint too much what they know, otherwise they'll be easy nightkill targets.
To be fair, the game is all about pinning the uninformed majority against the informed minority.

Now I'm super confused. So, there's a bot that's going to track the game in our forum? I don't get how it works. Sorry, I R not very smart.
Here the thing:  If you and I are JOATs we're going to major eff this thing up for the townies and we'll all be dead in 2 days.  That's pretty much the thing.
