EB Mafia

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I just realized it's May 1st.  Hard to believe what can happen within a year:

@ChebyshevII PE started this thread on May 25th last year, almost a year ago and look how many pages/rounds have been played!

Tuesday will be Cinco De Mayo, which is when my wife and I visited my aunt and uncle and started watching Game of Thrones.  We watched the whole thing in 2-1/2 months.  

I didn't start playing mafia until around December, when I was hanging around in the WTTS and SPAM threads and got invited to the game.

yesterday was the 5y anniv of my initial return to seattle (old boss reached out to bring me back out here)

it was also the 2y anniv at my current job

and filled with a SHITTON of justin timberlake. 

yesterday was the 5y anniv of my initial return to seattle (old boss reached out to bring me back out here)

it was also the 2y anniv at my current job

and filled with a SHITTON of justin timberlake. 
I had to stop myself from reposting coronavirus-related JT memes this AM.

Shoot.  Forgot about this.  I'll send out roles for this later tonight for a Tuesday start.  I'm still trying to research the new roles and with my project load I might not be able to 'write-write' a real story this time.  ALSO.  We still need one more person, currently we're sitting at 14.

This is who I have currently playing: @ChebyshevII PE, @DuranDuran, @RBHeadge PE, @txjennah PE, @tj_PE, @jean15paul_PE, @MadamPirate PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @blybrook PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @SaltySteve, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, and @chart94

I'll give until the end of day for one more person to join willingly.  If not, @Audi driver, P.E. is begrudgingly playing.  Because I need dad puns and confused reactions.  🤠

Shoot.  Forgot about this.  I'll send out roles for this later tonight for a Tuesday start.  I'm still trying to research the new roles and with my project load I might not be able to 'write-write' a real story this time.  ALSO.  We still need one more person, currently we're sitting at 14.

This is who I have currently playing: @ChebyshevII PE, @DuranDuran, @RBHeadge PE, @txjennah PE, @tj_PE, @jean15paul_PE, @MadamPirate PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @blybrook PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @SaltySteve, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, and @chart94

I'll give until the end of day for one more person to join willingly.  If not, @Audi driver, P.E. is begrudgingly playing.  Because I need dad puns and confused reactions.  🤠
I thought @RBHeadge PE wanted to be a non-playing character for now, due to work restraints.

@JayKay PE, I calculated we currently have 13 active players.  We'll need 2 more if we're going to have 15.  I could be mistaken, but thought RBHedge wanted to sit out this week.  Anyway, here is what I have with a suggested list of non-playing characters:

View attachment 17445
I want to get to fifteen, but if we can't, my vote is to run it with 13

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Shoot.  Forgot about this.  I'll send out roles for this later tonight for a Tuesday start.  I'm still trying to research the new roles and with my project load I might not be able to 'write-write' a real story this time.  ALSO.  We still need one more person, currently we're sitting at 14.

This is who I have currently playing: @ChebyshevII PE, @DuranDuran, @RBHeadge PE, @txjennah PE, @tj_PE, @jean15paul_PE, @MadamPirate PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @blybrook PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @SaltySteve, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, and @chart94

I'll give until the end of day for one more person to join willingly.  If not, @Audi driver, P.E. is begrudgingly playing.  Because I need dad puns and confused reactions.  🤠
So you're good on all the rules @JayKay PE because I"m sure we'll need some guidance. 

Also has everyone read the rules. Please do, as this is new for everyone including our mod. (Tagging everyone.  @ChebyshevII PE, @DuranDuran, @RBHeadge PE, @txjennah PE, @tj_PE, @jean15paul_PE, @MadamPirate PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @blybrook PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @SaltySteve, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, and @chart94 @vhab49_PE @Audi driver, P.E. )

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This year’s setup: JOAT^2

The setup is called JOAT^2 and features 15 players.

The setup consists of the following:

3x Mafia Goon

2x Town Jack Of All Trades (9x Doctor, 9x Motion Detector, 9x Tracker)

10x Vanilla Townie

Note that the Jacks Of All Trades must use all three actions before repeating an action, i.e. they are rotating. This does not mean they must use the actions in the same order every time.

Relevant mechanics info

- Day start.

- Majority lynch is enabled Day 2+, but majority is not required at any point in order to lynch.

- Tied votes will result in a player being lynched at random from among the tied players.

- No outside communication. I.e. you may not contact the other players outside of the thread (unless you are Mafia and wish to speak with your teammates).

- Phase Lengths and Deadlines will be up to the players themselves (I’ll organize your representative into a game with deadlines that suit their preferences).

- Thread is locked during Night Phases.

- Votes are automatically locked in at LYLO.

- Mafia factional kills are assigned. They can be tracked, watched, roleblocked, etc. (In this setup, that means they display as an action to the Tracker and the Motion Detector actions.)

- Mafia share a factional Night Kill, which is a single standard shot for their faction. The mafia faction kill is mandatory.

- Mafia may communicate at any time.

- Each individual player may make a maximum of 150 posts per day phase (this restriction is lifted 2 hours before day end).

- The game will have a host to oversee everything and make sure everyone’s following the code of conduct, but otherwise the game is completely automated (automatic votecounts, thread locks and reveals roles automatically, the bot receives and processes actions, etc.).
^quoting the gameplay mechanics for anyone that didn't read it.

 From the site...

Doctor: Protects the target from kills on that night only (cannot self-protect)Tracker: Learns who the target visited, but not what actions they didMotion Detector: Detects motion involving the target on that night (finds motion if the target visited someone or was visited, with no distinction between the two)

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