EB Mafia

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At some point I need to scan through previous years tournaments and spot trends and get a hand on the culture. The lack of private conversations would really hamper my current playstyle. It's almost a reversion to how we played the first few rounds on this board.
That definitely made it different. I think it would be an interesting thing to try. It would change it up from the way we have been playing for the last few months, might spice things up. 

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Your representative should be prepared for having to read upwards of 500-600 posts per 24 hours during the early stages of the game. Additionally, there’s a requirement that each player must make at least 10 posts per Game Day. Only active players should apply/participate. I repeat: Your chosen player needs to be able to promise a good amount of activity on a daily basis.
I must admit. I had only read the intro when I cosigned on the @RBHeadge PE nomination. After reading this part I kind of feel bad for nominating anyone. I don't know how anyone could do it. I think I'd have to take vacation from work.

Sorry RB 🙃

I must admit. I had only read the intro when I cosigned on the @RBHeadge PE nomination. After reading this part I kind of feel bad for nominating anyone. I don't know how anyone could do it. I think I'd have to take vacation from work.

Sorry RB 🙃
Agree.  Maybe this whole Tournament Mafia is for hard-core gamers.  Still would be fun to play a few rounds with these rules to see how we like them, even if RBH or any of us choose not to participate in the real thing.

I'm hoping to use tonight to go through the rules/check the different characters and make a list of who wanted to attempt and play.  It seems like the mafia rules are different than our usual fast n' loose gameplay.  The only confirmed thing I know about the next round is that RBH is most likely going to be cc' on all mod PMs, so they can figure out what exactly this game is.

@jean15paul_PE, yeah, that's why I was kinda leery volunteering/pushing anyone to do the tournament.  The minute I saw that there was a lot of correspondence/time requirements I was kinda like "We do mafia for fun during the work week.  This kinda seems like it's people who have way too much time on their hands."

idk.  We'll see.

I agree I'm fine not doing all that business with the tourney. Too much! 

I kind of like the rule about minimum posts.  In our games, people tend to avoid voting the first day since it's mostly random, which makes sense, but some players avoid posting to avoid suspicion.  Some us post OT to make it seem like we're engaged when in reality we're avoiding any possibility of exposing ourselves.

Maybe in our games we should institute a rule with a predetermined minimum (not OT) posts per day.

Maybe in our games we should institute a rule with a predetermined minimum (not OT) posts per day.
I can see it both ways. It's better for gameplay. But for many (most?) players on EB, this is an intermittent escape from the workday - it's supposed to be fun and it's not intended to be another job.

I can see it both ways. It's better for gameplay. But for many (most?) players on EB, this is an intermittent escape from the workday - it's supposed to be fun and it's not intended to be another job.
I agree.  I would hate to be a mod and have to penalize someone just for not participating for one day.  Hey maybe we could keep it light.  How about a rule saying you don't have to vote but you need to write at least one post that's related to the round, otherwise your vote doesn't count.  But maybe that's too harsh.  I dunno.  Just thinking out loud.

The setup consists of the following:

3x Mafia Goon

2x Town Jack Of All Trades (9x Doctor, 9x Motion Detector, 9x Tracker)

10x Vanilla Townie

Note that the Jacks Of All Trades must use all three actions before repeating an action, i.e. they are rotating. This does not mean they must use the actions in the same order every time.
The "Jack of all Trades" role is interesting to me. Two people get all 3 abilities, but rotate between abilities each day. Especially interesting when combined with the no-PM rule.

So you're the doctor and the cop (not really different roles I don't understand). You get info and act on that info, but can't share it in PM.

I need to read up on what the tracker and motion detector are.

The "Jack of all Trades" role is interesting to me. Two people get all 3 abilities, but rotate between abilities each day. Especially interesting when combined with the no-PM rule.

So you're the doctor and the cop (not really different roles I don't understand). You get info and act on that info, but can't share it in PM.

I need to read up on what the tracker and motion detector are.
How can the cop and doctor find each other safely without PMs?  I wonder if people use codes\different languages in these things, in hopes the person they're trying to reach might understand but the mafia may not.  This could get interesting.

How can the cop and doctor find each other safely without PMs?  I wonder if people use codes\different languages in these things, in hopes the person they're trying to reach might understand but the mafia may not.  This could get interesting.
You just have to guess based on people public actions. But you don't have the opportunity to coordinate. 

The "Jack of all Trades" role is interesting to me. Two people get all 3 abilities, but rotate between abilities each day. Especially interesting when combined with the no-PM rule.

So you're the doctor and the cop (not really different roles I don't understand). You get info and act on that info, but can't share it in PM.

I need to read up on what the tracker and motion detector are.
From the site...

Doctor: Protects the target from kills on that night only (cannot self-protect)Tracker: Learns who the target visited, but not what actions they didMotion Detector: Detects motion involving the target on that night (finds motion if the target visited someone or was visited, with no distinction between the two)

From the site...

Yeah, I'm still trying to fully understand the tracker and motion detector roles and the whole 'visiting' that they mention (I feel like these roles are going over my head).  Like, on some website they say the motion detector and tracker are variants on each other, so I'm trying to understand what exactly is revealed.  I have to do more research.

I'm hoping to send out roles sometime over this weekend with MONDAY (!!!!) being the official start.
