EB Mafia

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I kinda wish I was maf and was playing yall this whole time... ala "The Usual Suspects". That sounds like so much fun.

.... this is why no one trusts me. LOL
It was obvious I was investigated on Day 3, and I said as much to my clan, but I really thought you were doing the dirty work for @tj_PE (cop or doctor) and maybe @LyceeFruit PE@SaltySteve wasn't even on my radar.  I assume it took risky for the cop to cast the first vote after an investigation.  The cop's identity was well masked.  Great job guys!

It was obvious I was investigated on Day 3, and I said as much to my clan, but I really thought you were doing the dirty work for @tj_PE (cop or doctor) and maybe @LyceeFruit PE@SaltySteve wasn't even on my radar.  I assume it took risky for the cop to cast the first vote after an investigation.  The cop's identity was well masked.  Great job guys!
I investigated you on day 1. On day 3, the plan was that I would vote for you and hopefully you would reach out to me as the doctor to try to get me to change my vote. It wasn't a great plan but we lucked out that you were mafia. I honestly have no clue how to safely figure out if someone is the doctor or not once you fins out they're "not Townie". 
