EB Mafia

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Aww, I'm so glad you consider me least suspicious.
@MadamPirate PE and @vhab49_PE were "most" suspicious. I investigated vhab and we lynched MP.  You and @Roarbark were "suspicious". @tj_PE was "probably not mafia". @jean was basically on the same level as investigated people but I didn't pull them into the townie chat until after he died.

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If @SaltySteve isn't the cop then I applaud him for engaging in a masterwork con-job! I mean it's one that results in him being the last mafia to die, but it's still a great job none-the-less.
I gamed that out as well. I would still face off against two townies with no excuse tomorrow and most likely be lynched. 

JK right now:

