EB Mafia

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I investigated you on day 1. On day 3, the plan was that I would vote for you and hopefully you would reach out to me as the doctor to try to get me to change my vote. It wasn't a great plan but we lucked out that you were mafia. I honestly have no clue how to safely figure out if someone is the doctor or not once you fins out they're "not Townie". 
You decided to investigate me first?  I feel so honored. :rolleyes:

::Looks at your username::

::Hungry Like the Wolf immediately pops into my brain:: 
Former boss wanted to call me "Lost in a Cloud" because when I first started I was lost trying to learn the new estimating software.  He thought "lost in a crowd" lyrics from that song were actually "lost in a cloud" lol.

So apparently I'm modding the next round. (Can't promise any fancy writing)

Who's in?

 @ChebyshevII PE@tj_PE@RBHeadge PE@MEtoEE@vhab49_PE@jean15paul_PE@LyceeFruit PE@MadamPirate PE@squaretaper LIT AF PE,  @chart94, @SaltySteve, and @blybrook PE

@leggo PE, @txjennah PE, @ChaosMuppetPE, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, @civilrobot, @Ranger1316, @Audi driver, P.E., @Chattaneer PE

(Please tag anyone I forgot)

Can someone send me the first-time mod tutorial?

Also, I lied about writing, since I am bogged down with projects/work, so here is outline of how cheby "died" (aka: closure from the budvid-19):

Group continues on.  Tensions rise as the pandemics results are seen more often throughout the store: people are either running towards the exits, children crying shielded against their parents chest (which does absolutely nothing for an airborne virus), or they are zombie-shuffling through aisles, sending dead stares at the group when they hustle by.

Everyone starts voicing their concerns about continuing deeper into Wal-Mart.  @LyceeFruit PE makes a comment about eating organic dog food.  @vhab49_PE mentions fishing for dubious fish in their crick.  "Bork, bork, bork" goes @Roarbark.  Surprisingly, @SaltySteve is the one to suggest they continue on and they are quickly backed by @ChebyshevII PE, who reminds everyone that they have too many children and not many food supplies in their pantry.  So they go deeper into the Wal-Mart.

Eventually, @SaltySteve drops that they're special agent who has been on the tail of this 'budvid-19/weiser virus' spreading across the land.  Supposedly, it only occurs in Wal-Marts on the second Tuesday of every month.  After the initial impact, where people are community infected and develop a hacking, frothy cough, the only cure seems to be copious amounts of Budweiser and social distancing (which go hand-in-hand, imho).  They nonchalantly drop additional knowledge about the HVAC-systems being tampered with and that the only way to reach the roofs of Wal-Mart would be with an extremely rare lift, which they have the check-out records for, or by building a human chain...approximately 103 children tall.

@ChebyshevII PE begins to sweat as the information is brought forth but at the final declaration, they fall to the ground and begin spewing that they're a local Budweiser distributor and that ever since people finally realized Budweiser was a crappy beer they had been having financial trouble.  When they brought this up to corporate, they were told of a plan that was totally not illegal that would help increase Budweiser sales.  @ChebyshevII PE foolishly began tampering with the HVAC systems of the nearby Wal-Marts to inject the aerosoled Busweiser virus, previously developed in the deep state of Missouri.  When sales did increase, they only increased their footprint of depair.

@ChebyshevII PE surrenders calmly after @Roarbark confirms they'll take care of their children in their stead (ladychebs lives a long a fruitful life with their new husband and the children all grow up to be woodsman [even the girls] and are bilingual in 'bork').

The end of lazy JK mod round: TOWNIES WIN

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Also, I lied about writing, since I am bogged down with projects/work, so here is outline of how cheby "died" (aka: closure from the budvid-19):

Group continues on.  Tensions rise as the pandemics results are seen more often throughout the store: people are either running towards the exits, children crying shielded against their parents chest (which does absolutely nothing for an airborne virus), or they are zombie-shuffling through aisles, sending dead stares at the group when they hustle by.

Everyone starts voicing their concerns about continuing deeper into Wal-Mart.  @LyceeFruit PE makes a comment about eating organic dog food.  @vhab49_PE mentions fishing for dubious fish in their crick.  "Bork, bork, bork" goes @Roarbark.  Surprisingly, @SaltySteve is the one to suggest they continue on and they are quickly backed by @ChebyshevII PE, who reminds everyone that they have too many children and not many food supplies in their pantry.  So they go deeper into the Wal-Mart.

Eventually, @SaltySteve drops that they're special agent who has been on the tail of this 'budvid-19/weiser virus' spreading across the land.  Supposedly, it only occurs in Wal-Marts on the second Tuesday of every month.  After the initial impact, where people are community infected and develop a hacking, frothy cough, the only cure seems to be copious amounts of Budweiser and social distancing (which go hand-in-hand, imho).  They nonchalantly drop additional knowledge about the HVAC-systems being tampered with and that the only way to reach the roofs of Wal-Mart would be with an extremely rare lift, which they have the check-out records for, or by building a human chain...approximately 103 children tall.

@ChebyshevII PE begins to sweat as the information is brought forth but at the final declaration, they fall to the ground and begin spewing that they're a local Budweiser distributor and that ever since people finally realized Budweiser was a crappy beer they had been having financial trouble.  When they brought this up to corporate, they were told of a plan that was totally not illegal that would help increase Budweiser sales.  @ChebyshevII PE foolishly began tampering with the HVAC systems of the nearby Wal-Marts to inject the aerosoled Busweiser virus, previously developed in the deep state of Missouri.  When sales did increase, they only increased their footprint of depair.

@ChebyshevII PE surrenders calmly after @Roarbark confirms they'll take care of their children in their stead (ladychebs lives a long a fruitful life with their new husband and the children all grow up to be woodsman [even the girls] and are bilingual in 'bork').

The end of lazy JK mod round: TOWNIES WIN
So @ChebyshevII PE surrenders, gets killed by the townies, and @Roarbark borks LadyChebs for years?!??

That's dark @JayKay PE!!!


So @ChebyshevII PE surrenders, gets killed by the townies, and @Roarbark borks LadyChebs for years?!??

That's dark @JayKay PE!!!

Hahahaha, I didn't go that dark!  Chebs was still alive after surrendering, I assume Salty took him to safety away from Budweiser and their lawyers.  As for Roar borking chebs wife...

I mean, to each their own, I cast no shade.  😎

So apparently I'm modding the next round. (Can't promise any fancy writing)

Who's in?

 @ChebyshevII PE@tj_PE@RBHeadge PE@MEtoEE@vhab49_PE@jean15paul_PE@LyceeFruit PE@MadamPirate PE@squaretaper LIT AF PE,  @chart94, @SaltySteve, and @blybrook PE

@leggo PE, @txjennah PE, @ChaosMuppetPE, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, @civilrobot, @Ranger1316, @Audi driver, P.E., @Chattaneer PE

(Please tag anyone I forgot)

Can someone send me the first-time mod tutorial?


So apparently I'm modding the next round. (Can't promise any fancy writing)

Can someone send me the first-time mod tutorial?
Don't worry about fancy writing!  Also, sent some direction your way, just in case EB doesn't notify you (ala @MadamPirate PE last round).
