EB Mafia

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Whoa I guess I should have checked in on this game.

Sorry everyone, work has been horrible so I haven't been on very much. I don't understand why the first vote against me counts, though, @LyceeFruit PE, @Audi driver, P.E. didn't even call me out by name.  I just have a notification from @ChebyshevII PE, but he's no longer playing.  Unless I missed some inside joke but I'm not going to spend the time to read the past ten pages.

@LyceeFruit PE I vote for @Audi driver, P.E. because this is some nonsense.

Vote tally:

4 @txjennah PE (audi, jean15, me2, jk)

1 @Audi driver, P.E. (txj)

Rule reminder/clarification/whatever: please use the person's username in yer vote. Even if its " @LyceeFruit PE I vote for ME2 ( @MEtoEE or MEtoEE)  that way it's for sure I know who you're voting for 
yeah, I guess if you're not actively checking the thread, or otherwise distracted. The @notification is useful to get your attention.

Sitting next to giant bean boots/next to Roarbark while he's driving are also hazardous #JustMaineThings if memory serves.

Side note: Giant Bean Boots is really fun to say. 
You're right!  Is it ok if I use that every time a townie gets dedded?

Such as, "Holy Giant Bean Boots!"

Have you tried pouring Skittles down the toilet while flushing and stare directly overhead while they're going around because it looks like NASCAR race?
I learned the hard way that this results in no skittles for eating.

...oh yeah, and a large plumbing bill.

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