EB Mafia

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ps I don't know why it bolded. When I pasted from Google Drive, it did that & I couldn't fix the formatting. I've been having issues with formatting on EB all day tho... 

Final tally:

The crew has all landed at Logan Airport in Boston and they are ready to make the drive up 95 for their Maine Vacation - it is Vacationland afterall. @JayKay PE, @txjennah PE, and @NikR_PE all arrived together on the same flight. For some reason @MEtoEE decided to drive up and picked up @RBHeadge PE along the way. The group is just waiting for @Roarbark to land as they have the other van reservation. After an hour of waiting, @Roarbark has finally arrived with their big soccer van. Unbeknowst to them, @Roarbark had a few too many drinks on their long flight from HI and hasn’t slept well. They are just that good at hiding it. Everyone hops in the van except @RBHeadge PE& @MadamPirate PE who are in @MEtoEE’s little Chevy Cobalt. @NikR_PE screamed shotgun and bodychecked @JayKay PE out of the way. The group gets stuck in traffic as one does on a Friday afternoon heading north on 95. All the damn come-from-aways. The group is slowly inching their way north, finally over the Piscataqua River bridge and into Maine! This drive has taken a lot longer than they all originally thought and the alcohol & lack of sleep is finally catching up to @Roarbark's driving ability. They can no longer hide how utterly exhausted they are. Everyone else finally notices @Roarbark’s impairment just as they slam into one of the numerous jersey barriers surrounding the York Toll rebuild. The force of the impact causes @NikR_PE to fly thru the windshield, because even tho it’s Maine law to wear your seatbelt, @NikR_PE ignored it. @NikR_PE lands along the shoulder of I-95N and is largely unscathed. Until a come-from-away in an RV towing a Jeep Wrangler has some engine troubles and quickly pulls over, squishing Nikr under the numerous wheels.

So long @NikR_PE.

They were mafia.

Remaining players:

 @MEtoEE @txjennah PE @Audi driver, P.E. @jean15paul_PE @tj_PE @RBHeadge PE @ChebyshevII PE @SaltySteve  @JayKay PE @vhab49_PE @chart94
Goddamit @Roarbark

It took all night to deal with the Maine State Police so the crew wasn’t able to continue on with the drive until the next morning. Somehow @Roarbark wasn’t given a DWI and was able to continue on. This time, @JayKay PE picked up the van. They decided that they’d drive up Route 1 instead so they could see all the cute tourist-y sea side towns. They were leaving early enough that the traffic wouldn’t be too bad yet. Everyone piles into the van or @MEtoEE’s Cobalt to head north from York. As they’re driving, @MadamPirate PE sees signs for FunTown-SplashTown and screeches that they all need to go! Texts are exchanged between the vehicles and it’s agreed that they stop. Who doesn’t love amusement parks!? The group breaks up into smaller pods. @JayKay PE, @Roarbark, & @RBHeadge PE head into Splashtown with @jean15paul_PE screaming after them to wait since they are struggling to put their arm floaties on. @SaltySteve, @MadamPirate PE, @Audi driver, P.E., & @vhab49_PEhead to the big roller coaster to get their rocks off. @txjennah PE, @ChebyshevII PE, & @MEtoEE head towards the spinning tea cups. Everyone is having a blast until mid-morning a large crash and boom is heard from the spinning tea cups. All of a sudden flames are seen from the pastel pavillion. @txjennah PE & @MEtoEE come sprinting towards everyone. @RBHeadge PE asks “Where is @ChebyshevII PE!? What happened to them!? They were my bunk buddy!”

@MEtoEE just looks at the group wide-eyed “ @ChebyshevII PE didn’t make it. Their sandal got caught in the edge of the spinning teacup. And slowly their foot got wrenched between the cup and the platform. The effort required by the motor to do so caused the motors to overheat and explode. @ChebyshevII PE is gone y’all”

@ChebyshevII PE was lynched by the mafia.

Remaining players:

@MEtoEE @RBHeadge PE @SaltySteve @JayKay PE @vhab49_PE @chart94 @txjennah PE @Audi driver, P.E. @jean15paul_PE @tj_PE

First off, I have no idea what Splashtown is, but I'm down.

Secondly, "get their rocks off".  😌

Thirdly, death in a pastel pavilion is a delight for the eyes, but I am sorry RB lost their bunk buddy.
Funtown Splashtown is a small amusement park in Maine. Like Six Flags. But like a third of the size (maybe more - I've only been to the Six Flags in Mass).

And Splashtown is the water park 

Funtown Splashtown is a small amusement park in Maine. Like Six Flags. But like a third of the size (maybe more - I've only been to the Six Flags in Mass).

And Splashtown is the water park 
Huh.  Okay.

My hometown has a water park that is called SplishSplash that is filled with snotty children and scratchy cement that ruins your feet/knees.  I just assumed this was something similar, only with roller coasters and more potential for harm.

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Huh.  Okay.

My hometown has a water park that is called SplishSplash that is filled with snotty children and scratchy cement that ruins your feet/knees.  I assume this is something similar.
Probably, I haven't been since I was a kid lol 

HQ is midwest/central US. HQ had to wear ties M-Th until recently as well.
Pretty sure having to wear pantyhose would require me to wear pants not dresses.  Oh hell no, weddings, if they are in the winter, and maybe a job interview, but even then, I still think I would wear pants.

Final tally:

The crew has all landed at Logan Airport in Boston and they are ready to make the drive up 95 for their Maine Vacation - it is Vacationland afterall. @JayKay PE, @txjennah PE, and @NikR_PE all arrived together on the same flight. For some reason @MEtoEE decided to drive up and picked up @RBHeadge PE along the way. The group is just waiting for @Roarbark to land as they have the other van reservation. After an hour of waiting, @Roarbark has finally arrived with their big soccer van. Unbeknowst to them, @Roarbark had a few too many drinks on their long flight from HI and hasn’t slept well. They are just that good at hiding it. Everyone hops in the van except @RBHeadge PE& @MadamPirate PE who are in @MEtoEE’s little Chevy Cobalt. @NikR_PE screamed shotgun and bodychecked @JayKay PE out of the way. The group gets stuck in traffic as one does on a Friday afternoon heading north on 95. All the damn come-from-aways. The group is slowly inching their way north, finally over the Piscataqua River bridge and into Maine! This drive has taken a lot longer than they all originally thought and the alcohol & lack of sleep is finally catching up to @Roarbark's driving ability. They can no longer hide how utterly exhausted they are. Everyone else finally notices @Roarbark’s impairment just as they slam into one of the numerous jersey barriers surrounding the York Toll rebuild. The force of the impact causes @NikR_PE to fly thru the windshield, because even tho it’s Maine law to wear your seatbelt, @NikR_PE ignored it. @NikR_PE lands along the shoulder of I-95N and is largely unscathed. Until a come-from-away in an RV towing a Jeep Wrangler has some engine troubles and quickly pulls over, squishing Nikr under the numerous wheels.

So long @NikR_PE.

They were mafia.

Remaining players:

 @MEtoEE @txjennah PE @Audi driver, P.E. @jean15paul_PE @tj_PE @RBHeadge PE @ChebyshevII PE @SaltySteve  @JayKay PE @vhab49_PE @chart94
Yay!  I love roller coasters!  My kids both hate them, so amusement parks are wasted on them.  :(

Pretty sure having to wear pantyhose would require me to wear pants not dresses.  Oh hell no, weddings, if they are in the winter, and maybe a job interview, but even then, I still think I would wear pants.
When our office was between HR people, they sent folks up from HQ. And that's exactly what one of the women said. She just wore pants. She said "the dress code was created by a bunch of old men. I hate pantyhose. So I just wear pants all year round" 

I don't own pantyhose. Or tights. Or nylons. Or dresses or skirts. lol 
