EB Mafia

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I'm actually super busy with work stuff right now and probably for the next few days. A couple product design decisions are waiting on my teams results (testing, analysis, and predictions) and I'm the one doing all the analysis.

@LyceeFruit PE, I'm going to vote now so I don't forget. I vote for @SaltySteve because he voted for me and that makes me sad because I'm a townie.

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For whatever it's worth, I don't think my vote yesterday showed up in the final tally. Wouldn't have affected the results, but I know people like to track voting patterns.
Wait, I have in my sheet that you voted for JK. But then you retracted (I used a strike through for retracted votes)

So did you recast your vote and that's what I missed?

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For everyone working from home. Do you still get dressed? Working in pajamas? or less?

My wife owns her own business and LOVES working from home in her PJ's all day. This is my first time working from home. I still feel the need to get ready just like I was going to the office. She thinks I'm weird.
I'm wearing yoga pants and t-shirts I can bleed on. 

Yay surgery recovery while WFH.

My bad.

This is why one should not try to make dinnah and Maf at the same time 
Just pull a JayKay.  Get drunk while trying to mod, but you're way more excited about your ranger cookies and tequila.

*ends in disaster*

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