EB Mafia

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Generally all of my workplaces have been business casual, so khakis and collared shirts were the standard, with jeans only being allowed on Fridays. Exceptions are usually made if you regularly go to manufacturing areas, then jean are acceptable anytime.

my first job out of college required slacks /biz cas but I loosened them of that requirement by wearing jeans after the first couple months. pretty much every job after that has had the same guidelines and I've done the same job of working them into letting me wear jeans (not usually to client meetings etc)

my current job? they want you to be comfortable and do good work. period. 

so i still wear jeans/maxi skirts, and dress up depending on which client i'm meeting. 

the west coast is generally 50x more relaxed than anything to the east, and i work with artistic clients so I can have cool accessories and be appreciated :)

I think imma die my hair REALLY pink soon

My work is pretty relaxed also (obviously I don't wear skirts, but the women in my office get pretty much the same leniency).

My normal work attire is a t-shirt or polo with either the company logo or another business that the company works with, nice-ish jeans, and tennis shoes.

I'm also in the field a lot, so when I do go out there, I wear a company logo t-shirt (usually with safety-rated colors), carhart pants (or jeans, if not available), and steel-toed boots.

Our company's philosophy is to look more at the quality of work than the quality of dress. That said, I try really hard not to let myself look too ragged.

Edit: Forgot to mention, wearing shorts is discouraged at the company, since craft at our company aren't allowed to wear them for safety reasons. So I try to follow suit (ha, get it?).

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my first job out of college required slacks /biz cas but I loosened them of that requirement by wearing jeans after the first couple months. pretty much every job after that has had the same guidelines and I've done the same job of working them into letting me wear jeans (not usually to client meetings etc)

my current job? they want you to be comfortable and do good work. period. 

so i still wear jeans/maxi skirts, and dress up depending on which client i'm meeting. 

the west coast is generally 50x more relaxed than anything to the east, and i work with artistic clients so I can have cool accessories and be appreciated :)

I think imma die my hair REALLY pink soon
just had to google "maxi skirt"

Wait.  I'M IN THE MIDWEST.  I RETALIATORY VOTE.  @LyceeFruit PE, I vote for @NikR_PE

On the subject of shorts at work: never.  One, it would show off my man ankles.  Two: people would see my leg tattoos.  I mean, at work, they still only really think I have my back tattoo/I don't think any of them are aware yet.

I will prob be wearing leggings into the summer.
