EB Mafia

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I have no idea this round so i may just stick with my vote. Anyone that wears pants during the summer voluntarily must be evil.
I don't wear pants.  I wear dresses with leggings.

@NikR_PE, I feel like Chicago...isn't Midwest.  You guys got culture and stuff.

ugh i hate thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss lol

Final tally:


1: @txjennah PE (square)

1: @ChebyshevII PE (fish guy)

1: @jean15paul_PE (salty)

3: @JayKay PE (chart, nikr, tj)

1: @squaretaper LIT AF PE (txj)

4: @NikR_PE (vhab, jaykay, cheby, me2)

The crew has all landed at Logan Airport in Boston and they are ready to make the drive up 95 for their Maine Vacation - it is Vacationland afterall. @JayKay PE, @txjennah PE, and @NikR_PE all arrived together on the same flight. For some reason @MEtoEE decided to drive up and picked up @RBHeadge PE along the way. The group is just waiting for @Roarbark to land as they have the other van reservation. After an hour of waiting, @Roarbark has finally arrived with their big soccer van. Unbeknowst to them, @Roarbark had a few too many drinks on their long flight from HI and hasn’t slept well. They are just that good at hiding it. Everyone hops in the van except @RBHeadge PE& @MadamPirate PE who are in @MEtoEE’s little Chevy Cobalt. @NikR_PE screamed shotgun and bodychecked @JayKay PE out of the way. The group gets stuck in traffic as one does on a Friday afternoon heading north on 95. All the damn come-from-aways. The group is slowly inching their way north, finally over the Piscataqua River bridge and into Maine! This drive has taken a lot longer than they all originally thought and the alcohol & lack of sleep is finally catching up to @Roarbark's driving ability. They can no longer hide how utterly exhausted they are. Everyone else finally notices @Roarbark’s impairment just as they slam into one of the numerous jersey barriers surrounding the York Toll rebuild. The force of the impact causes @NikR_PE to fly thru the windshield, because even tho it’s Maine law to wear your seatbelt, @NikR_PE ignored it. @NikR_PE lands along the shoulder of I-95N and is largely unscathed. Until a come-from-away in an RV towing a Jeep Wrangler has some engine troubles and quickly pulls over, squishing Nikr under the numerous wheels.

So long @NikR_PE.

They were mafia.

Remaining players:

 @MEtoEE @txjennah PE @Audi driver, P.E. @jean15paul_PE @tj_PE @RBHeadge PE @ChebyshevII PE @SaltySteve  @JayKay PE @vhab49_PE @chart94
