EB Mafia

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Well it had been so quiet in here during "off week", I couldn't stand it lol.

On another note, I appreciate everyone's advice regarding my recent job offer.  I was able to negotiate a bit more vacation time.  However, the offer was so good to begin with, I didn't want to overstep my bounds, so with the extra vacation I took the offer.

Today I gave my notice to my supervisor and company owner.  It was harder than I imagined.  These people have been so good to me.  I was actually shaking a bit while telling them.  They understood and told me if I ended up not liking the new place I'm always welcome back if I want.  That was nice to hear.

New job starts in 2 weeks!  
Thats awesome! Congrats.


Day trip to Toledo on Wednesday for a site visit and skiing on Friday so my silence would make me suspish and get killed off. 

I'm out B/C I have all the evening events this week and everyone wants all the projects yesterday. Yay engineers week!
one of my IRL friends is having the same issues with E-Week too.

it's not a huge deal in my company or state apparently - i'm on the board for IEEE here and there's been nothing about it 

one of my IRL friends is having the same issues with E-Week too.

it's not a huge deal in my company or state apparently - i'm on the board for IEEE here and there's been nothing about it 
I enjoy it, this year I'm on two panels at my university - women in engineering and an alumni panel. However,  it is coupled with hasband being out of town for meetings, SE study class which has been rescheduled from the one night I didn't plan anything, and kids events that I am not sure how I'm going to get them to.

I'm in

I've never heard of anyone actually celebrating engineers week except for posting memes on social media.
We do quite a bit around here, we have an engineering council and they have a big gala, the local universities have events - one has a huge Introduce a Girl to Engineering event. The office does not celebrate it, since we are multidiscipline and woud have to celebrate all the people, so they made a separate employee appreciation week. 🙂

I'm in

I've never heard of anyone actually celebrating engineers week except for posting memes on social media.
You mean like this billboard?

