EB Mafia

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I think she indicated that she would be busy this week?
Nope.  That was @leggo PE.  I just was tired of getting killed first round all the time.  Playing isn't that fun when you don't get to play.  So i figured I'd sit this round out.

OK So, based on my super true facts, I'm going to vote for @RBHeadge PE (nothing personal!♥) @Roarbark

Hey @Roarbark are you on hurricane watch right now? Or is it too far away?
I expect windy and rainy conditions (It's already been super windy/rain off and on the past few days, maybe unrelated to storms.) High-surf warning, etc. but both storms are weakening. I haven't heard too much about them. I'm also notoriously bad at paying attention to news, though. 

I should probably go to the store and get some water and tuna or something today just in case though...
I've still got the sparkling water I bought when last Cat 5 "Hurricane Lane" was barreling at us. That'll be enough, right?


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