EB Mafia

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Hurricanes have eyes, not ears. Try waving a flag or something.

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It is now 6:00 pm PST.

3 folks have voted for @ChaosMuppetPE, 2 people voted for @RBHeadge PE. (1 of which slid in at the LAST MOMENT)

A large loosely organized mob marches up to @ChaosMuppetPE's house, and demands he show himself. He is caught attempting to climb out the window, terrified of the torches and oh-so-very-pointy toothpicks they wave in his direction. 

He is promptly stabbed to death. No evidence is found on his dead body.

He was a normal townsperson.

Last edited by a moderator:
It is now 6:00 pm PST.

3 folks have voted for @ChaosMuppetPE, 2 people voted for @RBHeadge PE. (1 of which slid in at the LAST MOMENT)

A large loosely organized mob marches up to @ChaosMuppetPE's house, and demands he show himself. He is caught attempting to climb out the window, terrified of the torches and oh-so-very-pointy toothpicks they wave in his direction. 

He is promptly stabbed to death. No evidence is found on his dead body.

He was a normal townsperson.

Okay, so we’re down to:


@RBHeadge PE




There are obviously not 3 mafia, since the game would have ended by now. Unless @Roarbark is a total jerk and is continuing the game. (Seriously, what kind of monster would do that?)

That would mean there are >= 3 townspeople, including possibly the doctor (unless that was @chart94). The game can’t possibly end overnight.

Okay, so we’re down to:


@RBHeadge PE




There are obviously not 3 mafia, since the game would have ended by now. Unless @Roarbark is a total jerk and is continuing the game. (Seriously, what kind of monster would do that?)

That would mean there are >= 3 townspeople, including possibly the doctor (unless that was @chart94). The game can’t possibly end overnight.

I think the choices could be clear after we wnow who is killed at night
