EB Mafia

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She sounds very lucky to have you as a partner :)
I got lucky.  Maybe we both did.  I was shy and my nose was always in the books.  Didn't really date much in college.  All of a sudden after college, with a job and free time dating was super easy, then got laid off and dating was super hard 🤔 hmmm...between jobs worked as a waiter and met my future wife.  I was unemployed, no money and she just wanted to spend time with me.  Never asked what I did for a living, if I went to college, what my religion was, what my parents were like.  Just liked me for me.  

I gave her a good life, but she grew up on food stamps so she taught me humility and how to stretch a dollar, which is something I needed at the time.

I'm sorry to hear that 😞 I think people make these assumptions out of fear. My parents were convinced that my now-husband would dump me once he got his PhD.  And my husband NEVER did anything that should have gave anyone that impression...they were just convinced that he would and tried to get me to break up with him.  
Wow.  I would definitely have issues after something like that.

Wow.  I would definitely have issues after something like that.
My husband is pretty amazing.  I let him know that it wasn't *him*, that my parents just reacted that way out of fear to anyone I dated.  They have a decent relationship now, but I had a lot of challenges with my family the first three years of my relationship.

This has got to be the weirdest thread on the forum. 
No way.  I'm not buying it.  Not with engineers lol.

This might be the most REAL thread in the forum.  Or most "off topic".  But I like it.

Nothing can be more weird than the SPAM forum.  But I haven't visited many of threads other than "Power Exam Sub-Forum".

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This has got to be the weirdest thread on the forum. 
The best thing is when you get a thread so thoroughly off-topic and people no longer want to get back to the original purpose.  Which is why I love the WTTS thread.  Because everyone is so doom and gloom and I'm like, "You know what?  Pet pictures are cool"

I got lucky.  Maybe we both did.  I was shy and my nose was always in the books.  Didn't really date much in college.  All of a sudden after college, with a job and free time dating was super easy, then got laid off and dating was super hard 🤔 hmmm...between jobs worked as a waiter and met my future wife.  I was unemployed, no money and she just wanted to spend time with me.  Never asked what I did for a living, if I went to college, what my religion was, what my parents were like.  Just liked me for me.  

I gave her a good life, but she grew up on food stamps so she taught me humility and how to stretch a dollar, which is something I needed at the time.
You know what?  I reverse all evil mafia-thread vibes.  I am now friends with @MEtoEE throughout all of EB.

This story really gave me hope that maybe someone, someday, will be able to tolerate me for being me.  

You know what?  I reverse all evil mafia-thread vibes.  I am now friends with @MEtoEE throughout all of EB.

This story really gave me hope that maybe someone, someday, will be able to tolerate me for being me.  
This is a very sweet story @MEtoEE

And you are awesome.
