EB Mafia

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How I imagine the situation right now is it's late Friday night, you're all at the bar in the town pub, and you all know what's about to go down.

Everyone's face:


No.  This is JK's face:


Man I go AFK for a lunchtime workout and then a lunchtime lunch, and yall get all deep in here. Upbrining, relationships, child raising, love.... I want to participate, but have nothing to contribute at the moment.

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Man I go AFK for a lunchtime workout and then a lunchtime lunch, and yall get all deep in here. Upbrining, relationship, child raising, love.... I want to participate, but have nothing to contribute at the moment.
I have none of those things, except my parents did raise me to adulthood so...yay?

Man I go AFK for a lunchtime workout and then a lunchtime lunch, and yall get all deep in here. Upbrining, relationships, child raising, love.... I want to participate, but have nothing to contribute at the moment.

I have none of those things, except my parents did raise me to adulthood so...yay?
I have all of them, just not relevant thoughts that I can form into words

The mafia and SK would have to know who each other are for this question to be relevant, right?
Oh god.  You just brought a whole new possibility to this.

Mafia wins when it's 1vs1, but SK lives when they're the last.  What if the SK has been hiding, using the mafia to pare down townies while making a 'partnership' with them, and then striking when its a 2vs1 townie to mafia ratio?
