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I still haven’t read HP yet either, but I think that’s on me at this point.

To be clear, I love my parents and don’t resent them for what they chose to do, especially now that I have kids of my own. Growing up I just couldn’t shake the “sheltered” label I carried with me everywhere. I’m over it. 🙂
oh no, I totally get it.  I was very sheltered as well, in many ways, that I resented for a long time but ~that's for another thread~  But I still love my family as well and still get along with them, even though we sometimes drive each other crazy.

I still haven’t read HP yet either, but I think that’s on me at this point.

To be clear, I love my parents and don’t resent them for what they chose to do, especially now that I have kids of my own. Growing up I just couldn’t shake the “sheltered” label I carried with me everywhere. I’m over it. 🙂
My mom still says I'm not allowed to read harry potter. So I haven't ☹️

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I wasn't allowed to watch power rangers when I was young because it had the word "power" in it.

Idk what would've happened if I tried to play pokemon. None of my friends were into it.

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Lol nope wasn't me.

I asked what a d10 was
okay, that d3 discussion was for you ;)

Twist: they show up as regular until they make their first kill.

I've never been into fiction. I do enjoy some Jack London, but other than that nothings been able to capture my attention. Except Animal Farm. That's a good one. I enjoy reading the occasional informative book, one I've started recently is how to start a farm.

I get the whole sheltered thing.  I think there are several of us that grew up that way.  I was lucky.  Even though I grew up in a small conservative Baptist town, my parents were very open minded.  I was still sheltered but maybe in a good way at times.  I never got exposed to drugs or peer pressure from bad kids.  I was naturally shy and introverted anyway.  But I knew some kids around me who's parents were so overboard with stuff.  I felt bad for them.

The first time I saw any harry potter movie was when the final one came out. A buddy of mine was really into it, so we binge watched all the movies the day before the final one came out.

I went to opening night with him, we were sitting next to some girls that had dressed up and they asked me which house I was apart of. Immediately after that the theater accidentally started playing transformers, so I leaned over and said, "I'm part of the autobots house." She didn't think it was funny.

I think I was fairly "sheltered" until about 14-15. It was that point that my parents allowed me to start "making my own choices." Like, I could play whatever games I wanted, hang out with who I wanted, and listen to whatever music I wanted. I think they thought at that point in my life I was old enough to start learning how to make choices for myself.

I didn't grow up playing DnD or Magic either.  :)
We didn't have any of this in my household.  We had basic video games on a sega genesis and a PS2 (I liked watching my brother play) and I did horseback riding.  I also did some theater/musical stuff, but never seriously.  My family was very solid middle-class, maybe even lower middle-class.  The video game system was used for many years before it broke, then we'd get a new one.  Always used stuff until it died.  I only got to go horseback riding because it was through 4-H and it was I think $20 for an hour lesson/I would hang out there and help when I was younger since it was so close and it gave my mom a break.  My mom did, though, allow me to read whatever, which means we would go to the library or Borders and I would read, and read, and read.  A cheap, easy, and quiet form of entertainment.  There was a lot of music in my family (since both parents are musicians), so I didn't feel like I was missing a ton?

And that’s why there was only “one time”? 😉
partially. but i'm also not a huge fan of kids. 

i was 12, maybe 13. And I think technically I didn't even really babysit the kid. Since my grandmother was there (I lived with her).

i never had a desire to babysit to earn extra money. i got chore money. and i was the golden grandkid so since i got good grades and kept out of trouble, i typically got what i asked for if i needed more money. 

i did get a job at 14 (legal in NH) and just saved everything i got from that job once i got myself a couple pairs of converse 

I get the whole sheltered thing.  I think there are several of us that grew up that way.  I was lucky.  Even though I grew up in a small conservative Baptist town, my parents were very open minded.  I was still sheltered but maybe in a good way at times.  I never got exposed to drugs or peer pressure from bad kids.  I was naturally shy and introverted anyway.  But I knew some kids around me who's parents were so overboard with stuff.  I felt bad for them.
Ironically it seems to be the kids with overprotective parents that get into the most trouble.

My hope is that with my kids, I can educate them, rather than control them, but I’m getting the sense that I’ve already failed in this area. Maybe because they’re 4 and under, but idk.

Ironically it seems to be the kids with overprotective parents that get into the most trouble.

My hope is that with my kids, I can educate them, rather than control them, but I’m getting the sense that I’ve already failed in this area. Maybe because they’re 4 and under, but idk.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

I get the whole sheltered thing.  I think there are several of us that grew up that way.  I was lucky.  Even though I grew up in a small conservative Baptist town, my parents were very open minded.  I was still sheltered but maybe in a good way at times.  I never got exposed to drugs or peer pressure from bad kids.  I was naturally shy and introverted anyway.  But I knew some kids around me who's parents were so overboard with stuff.  I felt bad for them.
My parents definitely went overboard.  Being the only girl + cultural expectations/religious expectations for what women should/shouldn't do with their bodies = mess.  :)   

Ironically it seems to be the kids with overprotective parents that get into the most trouble.

My hope is that with my kids, I can educate them, rather than control them, but I’m getting the sense that I’ve already failed in this area. Maybe because they’re 4 and under, but idk.
I had a great (albeit strict) upbringing.  My wife had a terrible upbringing.  She wanted to raise our son the way I was raised, but didn't know how.  There's a good audiobook she read called "Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids" by Dr. Laura Markham.  It's been REALLY good for her, and us.  I'm reading it now.  Seems counteruitive at first, be very effective.  I highly recommend it.

Also the "Boundaries" series of books by Henry Cloud are really good, especially the one for kids.
