EB Mafia

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There were a few hints that helped the townies find each other. The cop allows for deductive reasoning. Without the cop we go with less reliable inductive reasoning. Sorry @blybrook PE  After the round is over, I can give more details.

Who was asking about the different dies earlier this round? I thought it was you?

Yes. If only one response was eliminated, reroll the corresponding number if it comes up.
Lol nope wasn't me.

Feel free to answer any questions I have (if any answers spoil the round, wait until it's over):

  1. Did you have fun? Always
  2. Were 12-13 players enough for the additional roles?  Yes, as long as the game is balanced, I don't care if we use pure traditional roles or if we assign a unique role to every player.
  3. How to you think the role of the Serial Killer affected the strategy of the game?  Makes it tough for townies.  Another role to uncover, therefore makes the cop that much more essential.
  4. Do you think the role of Serial Killer should show up as "Regular Townsfolk" or "Not Regular Townsfolk" to the Cop?  Not regular townsfolk.
  5. Do you think the role of Tracker should show up as "Regular Townsfolk" or "Not Regular Townsfolk" to the Cop?  Regular townsfolk
  6. Do you think more roles showing up as "Not Regular Townsfolk" takes away from the effectiveness of the Cop?  No
  7. Should the role of Tracker be announced after a town lynching?  Yes
  8. With the addition of the Serial Killer, do you have any suggestions to better balance the game instead of the Tracker?  Too early to tell.  Maybe another game should play through where the tracker lasts longer.  This last game seemed to be well balanced though.
  9. What did you like best about the additional roles?  I think more special roles make it more fun, but maybe some people don't like to upset the balance or bring too much randomness into the game.
  10. What did you dislike most about the additional roles?  Nothing yet I can think of.
  11. Any additional comments on the mechanics of this round?  Would like other's thoughts on how to maintain more strategy vs luck.  Is adding more special roles helping or hurting as far as strategy?  The townies seem to be unorganized and paranoid, understandably and the votes are just random.  Maybe instead of the tracker two regular townies should be allowed to know each other's role.  However, that would probably upset the balance of the game.

I know what you mean. I've quit twice already, and sold everything twice.

I haven't picked it back up, but I've thought about it. I know if I do that's just more money and time going to mtg instead of the family.
We still have a shit ton of cards, and we've talked about just making decks from what we have.  My husband started playing when he was in middle school so he's got some really cool cards. And I bought him a couple of neat ones from older decks as a gift (obviously not Black Lotus or anything lol).  But there's nothing more appealing than the idea of NEW CARDS.

Whys it a brighter white for me?
Because I was attempting to copy-paste straight from excel. The formatting didn't work out, so I took a snip-it style screen shot. As that cell was still partially highlighted, it showed up as whiter than the rest.

There were a few hints that helped the townies find each other. The cop allows for deductive reasoning. Without the cop we go with less reliable inductive reasoning. Sorry @blybrook PE  After the round is over, I can give more details
I helped sacrifice myself for the townies. It's all in good fun.

I may be Redneck Mafia, but at least I wasn't mafioso this round!

And I'll add that I've never played DnD or Magic, nor had the desire to.

I spent my free time outside in the woods or on the water growing up.

Me neither. My parents were anti-magic (not the game, the concept of magic in general). There were certain Disney movies we couldn’t watch, and I didn’t start playing Pokémon until I was a teenager.
I totally understand that.  I grew up in a religion that was very much like that (my mom drank a little less of the Koolaid, though, and encouraged me to start reading Harry Potter when I felt guilty about it as a kid -thankfully!)

Now I'm atheist and don't careeeee :)  

I did soccer, tennis, basketball, piano, model rockets, video games, running around the neighborhood, woods, swimming, all until 7th grade.

From then on it was all golf lol.  Didn't even really chase girls until after high school.
I was very much into running.  Also read a ton and played a lot of Nintendo with my brother.  

Feel free to answer any questions I have (if any answers spoil the round, wait until it's over):

  1. Did you have fun?  I wasn't really planning on playing, and now I'm ultra-stressed out at being one of the last townies.  Not sure if fun is the correct term for me this round (nothing against you, just poor planning/scheduling on my part).
  2. Were 12-13 players enough for the additional roles?  I think, if the SK was added, that one of the mafia should have been reduced.  Technically, with the other role, it's a solid quarter of players who are 'bad', which doesn't have great odds.
  3. How to you think the role of the Serial Killer affected the strategy of the game?  Tbh, I still don't really understand the SK role.  It kinda seems like the vigilante, right?  Or have I been misunderstanding it the whole time?
  4. Do you think the role of Serial Killer should show up as "Regular Townsfolk" or "Not Regular Townsfolk" to the Cop?  Not Regular.
  5. Do you think the role of Tracker should show up as "Regular Townsfolk" or "Not Regular Townsfolk" to the Cop?  Regular.
  6. Do you think more roles showing up as "Not Regular Townsfolk" takes away from the effectiveness of the Cop?  I think when there is such a lean towards the nasties, there needs to be a balance like a Deputy or Retired Cop player (the Deputy being 'unknown' until the cop dies, and then suddenly being told through PM from the mod (but not getting the previous cop's investigation results), or a retired cop that comes into play after the cop dies (and does get the previous cops investigation results)).  I think these roles should only be used when the SK/mafia balance is over the quarter percent as an attempt to balance things out.
  7. Should the role of Tracker be announced after a town lynching?  After lynching: yes.  After night kill: no.
  8. With the addition of the Serial Killer, do you have any suggestions to better balance the game instead of the Tracker?  See above alternate cop roles.
  9. What did you like best about the additional roles?  Please see above; I don't think I really grasped them as well as I could have.
  10. What did you dislike most about the additional roles?  Didn't dislike, per se, more than I didn't understand them.  And as a normal townie, that prob made things more difficult for me.
  11. Any additional comments on the mechanics of this round?  Nah, I think I covered it above.  Good job modding!

Me neither. My parents were anti-magic (not the game, the concept of magic in general). There were certain Disney movies we couldn’t watch, and I didn’t start playing Pokémon until I was a teenager.
That's how it was in the little Baptist town I grew up in.  In Sunday school we were taught we shouldn't even play with a regular deck of cards for crying out loud.  I knew a "goody two shoes" family who wouldn't let their daughter (my age) watch "3 Men and a Baby" because it was about glorifying raising a child out of wedlock.  I laughed when she got pregnant in high school.

I didn't care.  I played cards and didn't give a shit about magic, cards one way or the other because luckily I had parents who were pretty level-headed.  I took a ouija board out once during middle school and thought a few of my friends were going to faint.  They were like, "You're playing with the devil."  I was like (back when we said 'like' for everything), "Seriously? It's from Parker Brothers for Chrissake.   This shit ain't real."  Damn some people.  

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I totally understand that.  I grew up in a religion that was very much like that (my mom drank a little less of the Koolaid, though, and encouraged me to start reading Harry Potter when I felt guilty about it as a kid -thankfully!)
I still haven’t read HP yet either, but I think that’s on me at this point.

To be clear, I love my parents and don’t resent them for what they chose to do, especially now that I have kids of my own. Growing up I just couldn’t shake the “sheltered” label I carried with me everywhere. I’m over it. 🙂
