EB Mafia

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Speaking of which, we ARE in the endgame. The result is in flux and I'm not sure that we're in anything more sophisticated than a random dice-roll scenario.I've gamed them all out. No matter what happens with the vote tonight, the game will have a nightkill phase and most likely it will be followed by coinflip or RPS "shootout".

I'd rather no one stress over this. It's a game, let's have fun with it. In a month, no one will remember or care who won or lost.

I enjoy the critical thinking and strategizing aspect of the game.

I don't make things personal when I play or vote; and generally people don't make it personal so I don't take it personal either. I hope everyone else feels the same way.

@Chattaneer PE @JayKay PE @SaltySteve @Roarbark I propose we speed this game up. At 3PM eastern today, let's so do the final town vote, nightkills, and RPS as needed. Wrap it up before COB and enjoy our weekends. And not stress about it in the meantime.

FYI  @txjennah PE There isn't a physical d3. So instead people use a d6 (regular cube die) and a roll of 1 or 2 is counted as a 1, 3 or 4 is a 2, 5 or 6 is a 3.
Wait, I've played D&D, is the d3 response meant for someone else? Cuz I didn't ask lol

Wait, I've played D&D, is the d3 response meant for someone else? Cuz I didn't ask lol
I think this is the first time I've ever seen someone get defensive when it was assumed they hadn't played D&D before.

I get it when someones like, "I bet you play D&D, don't you." But when someone says, "I bet you've never even played D&D before" that's just backwards.

I guess this is the world we live in now.

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I think this is the first time I've ever seen someone get defensive when it was assumed they hadn't played D&D before.

I get it when someones like, "I bet you play D&D, don't you." But when someone says, "I bet you've never even played D&D before" that's just backwards.

I guess this is the world we live in now.
Haha. I actually like Magic way more than D&D so didn't stick with it.  And I stopped playing Magic because it was too tempting to buy cards.

But you've been in the threads right around the vote soooo ~~how is your time being spent~~
Checking to see if I've been finally killed/going through the girls forum to see if @vee043324 posted any updates in their relationship novela.

I'm all about the notifications.

I'm surprised it when on as long as it did. With the cop gone, I was thinking things were going to wrap up quickly.
There were a few hints that helped the townies find each other. The cop allows for deductive reasoning. Without the cop we go with less reliable inductive reasoning. Sorry @blybrook PE  After the round is over, I can give more details.

Wait, I've played D&D, is the d3 response meant for someone else? Cuz I didn't ask lol
Who was asking about the different dies earlier this round? I thought it was you?

So if I'm guessing an answer and I've eliminated two possibilities, say A and D, leaving B and C, do I then let 1 = 2 and 4 = 3?
Yes. If only one response was eliminated, reroll the corresponding number if it comes up.

Haha. I actually like Magic way more than D&D so didn't stick with it.  And I stopped playing Magic because it was too tempting to buy cards.
I know what you mean. I've quit twice already, and sold everything twice.

I haven't picked it back up, but I've thought about it. I know if I do that's just more money and time going to mtg instead of the family.

I was thinking the same. However, without revealing anything, there's the possibility the game could end with tonight's lynching or could continue 1 more night after tonight.

@RBHeadge PE @SaltySteve @JayKay PE @Roarbark

Is anyone opposed to closing out the lynch voting at 3 or 4pm, then reevaluate depending on how things develop?
I'm leaving work at 3:30pm EST, and I have some project packages I need to get done, so I'm just going to vote now.

@Chattaneer PE, I vote for @Roarbark, pending people PMing me/me checking back from the other game threads.

I think this is the first time I've ever seen someone get defensive when it was assumed they hadn't played D&D before.

I get it when someones like, "I bet you play D&D, don't you." But when someone says, "I bet you've never even played D&D before" that's just backwards.

I guess this is the world we live in now.
NERD(S) alert! lol

I'm leaving work at 3:30pm EST, and I have some project packages I need to get done, so I'm just going to vote now.
That settles it then.

@RBHeadge PE @JayKay PE @SaltySteve @Roarbark

Please submit your votes before 3PM EST. If you have a night role, please submit it shortly after the lynching announcement. Let's try to get this thing closed out before jk leaves work.

Current Vote:

@Roarbark (jk)

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I know what you mean. I've quit twice already, and sold everything twice.

I haven't picked it back up, but I've thought about it. I know if I do that's just more money and time going to mtg instead of the family.
I dated a girl who had tarot cards and did a reading on me, so one day I bought the Rider-Waite deck (I guess it's taboo in certain circles to use an alternate kind).  Years later I brought them out of storage and showed them to my wife.  That night my dead great grandmother-in-law showed up in my dream with a cleaver and showing me a hidden pit dug out from under her house.  

I threw the cards away.  I hope there wasn't some ritual I was supposed to go through before doing that.

Feel free to answer any questions I have (if any answers spoil the round, wait until it's over):

  1. Did you have fun?
  2. Were 12-13 players enough for the additional roles?
  3. How to you think the role of the Serial Killer affected the strategy of the game?
  4. Do you think the role of Serial Killer should show up as "Regular Townsfolk" or "Not Regular Townsfolk" to the Cop?
  5. Do you think the role of Tracker should show up as "Regular Townsfolk" or "Not Regular Townsfolk" to the Cop?
  6. Do you think more roles showing up as "Not Regular Townsfolk" takes away from the effectiveness of the Cop?
  7. Should the role of Tracker be announced after a town lynching?
  8. With the addition of the Serial Killer, do you have any suggestions to better balance the game instead of the Tracker?
  9. What did you like best about the additional roles?
  10. What did you dislike most about the additional roles?
  11. Any additional comments on the mechanics of this round?