EB Mafia

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So, I think I can mod next round. There won't be any fancy story line (though I have some good ideas for a star trek theme), but I do want to introduce a different character instead of the vigilante if we have enough players. I have a slow-ish week coming up.
I would be very very hesitant to add a new role. Game balance is pretty easy to screw up. There are some known alternate roles, but they're pretty complicated, require a larger group of players,  or are juat there for flavor.

It took us three rounds to get the vig about right.

I think we would need another larger group, like the 18 we had in December to get really creative with the roles.

I agree on the vigilante.  It's a strange role and I still don't quite understand the point of the character. 

Does anyone know how often the town wins vs mafia? I know last round was a fluke, but I think something should be done to give the mafia more ammo.  
The vig is a wild card role. It can be powerful if the town uses it right, but it can add a lot of uncertainty to the game. In three rounds, the vig has only nightkilled townies, never a mafiosa, despite the vig being a townie!

Under basic rules,  the mafia will win 50% of the time when they have approximately sqrt(players). We've tended to play with an undersized mafia when we have less than 11 players, but that was mostly out of necessity to keep the game going more than a couple days. Generally speaking for us, I think the mafia win rate is just about par with expectations.

The times when the town, or the mafia, had a super quick win is either becuase someone(s) goofed up, or just dumb luck. The latter is always part of any game.

If you want to tilt things towards the mafia, you only need to add a single mafia member. BUT be prepared for a really fast game.

I just feel like the mafia hardly ever wins, but that's just a feeling.  I have no data to support that.

I still don't mind changing the vig role and/or adding one mafia player to see what happens.  I remember when we had that large group it was quite fun!

Obviously in a Star Trek themed game @RBHeadge PE would be Data.

I would be very very hesitant to add a new role. Game balance is pretty easy to screw up. There are some known alternate roles, but they're pretty complicated, require a larger group of players,  or are juat there for flavor.
I understand.

Unrelated: Since we found out the baby's gender yesterday, everyone in the family was asking us to reveal the gender. So, I created 5 puzzles/questions for them to solve. All the answers then have to be combined to calculate a number that corresponds to the gender. I thought it was going to be easy, but they've been working on it for about an hour and nobody has solved all the questions. 

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I still don't mind changing the vig role and/or adding one mafia player to see what happens.
ehhh, having 3 mafia with 9 players pretty much results in a mafia win by the third day. Tweaking the vig would also speed up the game.

I remember when we had that large group it was quite fun!
I really liked the massive game we had in December. Lots of opportunities to use critical thinking. But it was a lot of work and kinda stressful. We all needed a break after that one!

Obviously in a Star Trek themed game @RBHeadge PE would be Data.
...more like Garek.

Unrelated: Since we found out the baby's gender yesterday, everyone in the family was asking us to reveal the gender. So, I created 5 puzzles/questions for them to solve. All the answers then have to be combined to calculate a number that corresponds to the gender. I thought it was going to be easy, but they've been working on it for about an hour and nobody has solved all the questions. 
Maybe you should cut back on the number of questions requiring non-standard analysis? ;)

side question: do you like escape rooms?

Unrelated: Since we found out the baby's gender yesterday, everyone in the family was asking us to reveal the gender. So, I created 5 puzzles/questions for them to solve. All the answers then have to be combined to calculate a number that corresponds to the gender. I thought it was going to be easy, but they've been working on it for about an hour and nobody has solved all the questions. 

How many are in your family?  Maybe you should create a "gender reveal" mafia game.  The losers have to wait a week to know the gender.

We didn't do anything like that.  We saw all those gender-reveal party things, decided it was too much trouble, so after we found out, we just went to Chik-Fil-A for lunch, took photos of the ultrasound and just texted everyone lol.

How many are in your family?
I sent it to just my parents and two sisters. They're both married, so we would have a very small game. My wife just outright told her family which was no fun. 

I thought some of the questions were easy.

  • How much does 1470lb weigh if it is hard as a rock?
  • If (x+25)/(x-113)=47, solve for x.
  • Moscovium is a radioactive chemical element, and is positively amazing! This number determines its position.
  • If Anders heats water up to this temperature, it starts to boil!
  • Then one more regarding family information.
I think I've only failed once, but I wasn't with the main group. It was a completely different group of people and there were 12 of us (for a room designed for 8-10 people).

We were on track to beat the record, but on the LAST puzzle someone locked us out of the safe for 10 minutes.

I sent it to just my parents and two sisters. They're both married, so we would have a very small game. My wife just outright told her family which was no fun. 

I thought some of the questions were easy.

  • How much does 1470lb weigh if it is hard as a rock?
  • If (x+25)/(x-113)=47, solve for x.
  • Moscovium is a radioactive chemical element, and is positively amazing! This number determines its position.
  • If Anders heats water up to this temperature, it starts to boil!
  • Then one more regarding family information.
  • 668.18 kg
  • 116
  • 115? Row 7, Col 15?
  • 373 K
  • 42?


My older team was the group I went through school with. We had 4 EEs, 1 CPA, and 1 RN. We were on fire! But now I've moved and have no more group.
a nukee, a chemist, 1 math tutor, 1 special ed science teacher, and a nanny

We have a larger group that adds 2 EEs, 2 teachers, and 2 chemists to the mix - or some of those sub in for the prime group depending on location.

I think I've only failed once, but I wasn't with the main group. It was a completely different group of people and there were 12 of us (for a room designed for 8-10 people).

We were on track to beat the record, but on the LAST puzzle someone locked us out of the safe for 10 minutes.
Don't you hate that?!

Our issue is that they locked the clues to open two locks, behind a safe that was 3 and 4 steps passed those two locks. Basically the things that had to be opened one step before exiting the room. When the staff person realized it after time concluded, she was like "oops, so do you want to leave good feedback for us?"

  • 668.18 kg
  • 116
  • 115? Row 7, Col 15?
  • 373 K
  • 42?
So what made you think kg and kelvin? 42 Was close, but was 98.

Don't you hate that?!
Yeah. At least I took it better than others that day.

Our issue is that they locked the clues to open two locks, behind a safe that was 3 and 4 steps passed those two locks. Basically the things that had to be opened one step before exiting the room. When the staff person realized it after time concluded, she was like "oops, so do you want to leave good feedback for us?"
That's not fun. I'd trade them a free round for a good review.
