EB Mafia

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Yeah, you were the cop this round. You reached out early in the game and let me know that I was in confirmed townie but you had investigated @jean15paul_PE. That came back as confirmed. You likely investigated me on day two but due to the scuba trip by our mod; you may not have gotten the results until day three. These were shared with others and the target was on my back.
Basically by bly knowing ME was cop, I took a stab and saved ME by chance. Learned this the next day and thought if bly is mafia, they would go after ME again. Turns out they did. Pretty much sealed it. 

Basically by bly knowing ME was cop, I took a stab and saved ME by chance. Learned this the next day and thought if bly is mafia, they would go after ME again. Turns out they did. Pretty much sealed it. 
Night two I gave the fellow mafia members pre approval on whomever they voted for before signing out for the night. So that was just dumb luck

Current vote:

@jean15paul_PE - 

@tj_PE - 

@vhab49_PE - tj

8 - @MadamPirate PE - Me2, cheb, jean, fish guy, square, chart, roar

I think that's going to be a wrap... So my question is this, how the hell did yall come to bly being mafia? I want behind the scenes details cause the townie team killed it this time.
I really only voted for not because bly voted for me.

Basically by bly knowing ME was cop, I took a stab and saved ME by chance. Learned this the next day and thought if bly is mafia, they would go after ME again. Turns out they did. Pretty much sealed it. 
You were the big playmaker sir!  Twice!  Still can't believe my luck.  

I also lucked out a bunch during my investigations.  No skills here, just luck and great teammates.

Who was the vig?

Day 1:  I investigated jean15paul.

Day 2:  Investigated JayKay, got a bit lucky there.

Day 3: Investigated Cheby.  He revealed himself to our townie group as the vig.  Got lucky there too.

Day 4:  We still had 4-5 non-confirmed townies to choose from.  tj_PE was prime suspect, but she swore on her plants and 2 cat's lives she was a townie.  Then when Bly tried to throw her under the bus with his comments, I decided to investigate someone else.  I rolled the dice and Madam Pirate came up.  

Like I said, we were super lucky.


Day 1:  I investigated jean15paul.

Day 2:  Investigated JayKay, got a bit lucky there.

Day 3: Investigated Cheby.  He revealed himself to our townie group as the vig.  Got lucky there too.

Day 4:  We still had 4-5 non-confirmed townies to choose from.  tj_PE was prime suspect, but she swore on her plants and 2 cat's lives she was a townie.  Then when Bly tried to throw her under the bus with his comments, I decided to investigate someone else.  I rolled the dice and Madam Pirate came up.  

Like I said, we were super lucky.
can i ask why i was prime suspect? lolll

was it because i messaged you? and asked you your role? Lmao
BINGO! lol

The first day, I created a private "Townie" group for confirmed (by Salty or by investigation) townies.  You PMd me and asked if I was mafia, but the subject line was "What's your role?"  I'm thinking, "How would she know I had a 'role' unless Bly is mafia and now he thinks (knows) I'm the cop?"  It just snowballed from there and you were always the prime suspect.  😁  


well, i phrased it like that bc you had been in the pmsssssssssssssss. i'll go back to not messaging anyoneeeee


well, i phrased it like that bc you had been in the pmsssssssssssssss. i'll go back to not messaging anyoneeeee
ha ha!

Well I had been the PMs with my townie group, and also with other PE students.  Lycee can vouch for me there lol.

Sometimes at work, I minimize my Eng Boards screen so I don't log off and I might stay in EB PMs, the public screen, or the EE Power screen for hours at a time.  

It wasn't that you messaged me, but you kind of had a hostile/defensive tone when I asked back, "What's YOUR role?" It seemed uncharacteristic of you and since I told the others in the group, and they had no suspects, you became the top target until we found out otherwise.

You were going to be voted off today (I didn't buy the plant/cat story at first). 

@tj_PE you said (today):  "I swear on my plants and 2 cats' lives I'm not mafia."  

Kind of a bold, desperate statement and I never thought as a cop I would get that out of someone, and I started to believe you, but then I thought, "What if her cats are dead?"  Didn't want to even think to ask you on that.  My sister has a beautiful cat and I know what it's like to bury a pet.  

Well I was going to ask if your cats were still alive, but I'm not a big enough jerk for that.  But BlyBrook started throwing you under the bus and that seemed suspicious, so I investigated MadamPirate and that was the end of that lol.

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Basically by bly knowing ME was cop, I took a stab and saved ME by chance. Learned this the next day and thought if bly is mafia, they would go after ME again. Turns out they did. Pretty much sealed it. 
How did you know that Bly knew that MEtoEE was the cop?

You were definitely the MVP this round by saving the cop on the first night - and thereafter. That move skewed the balance towards the town in so many ways:

It created a trusted connection between the cop and doctor, thus making a shield for the cop for the rest of the round.

It outed Bly as mafia, since he was the only non-cleared person MEtoEE told about his role.

It allowed another townie (fish guy) to reach out to a known townie and provide advice wrt compartmentalizing PMs and game strategy - thus making another semi-trusted townie.

By the next morning, the town had a pretty secure voting block to overcome any mafia alliance AND a lead on who was mafia.

The next three investigations were definitely fortuitous, but it was those moves for the first night basically solidified the town win.
