EB Mafia

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I'll play again next week should be 1000000x less terrible and I didn't lie, so my cats are still safe.

U scared bro? Lolll
Yeah normally I would be, but.....


How did you know that Bly knew that MEtoEE was the cop?

You were definitely the MVP this round by saving the cop on the first night - and thereafter. That move skewed the balance towards the town in so many ways:

It created a trusted connection between the cop and doctor, thus making a shield for the cop for the rest of the round.

It outed Bly as mafia, since he was the only non-cleared person MEtoEE told about his role.

It allowed another townie (fish guy) to reach out to a known townie and provide advice wrt compartmentalizing PMs and game strategy - thus making another semi-trusted townie.

By the next morning, the town had a pretty secure voting block to overcome any mafia alliance AND a lead on who was mafia.

The next three investigations were definitely fortuitous, but it was those moves for the first night basically solidified the town win.
After the first night save, I reached out to ME. He indicated the only person he told that he was the cop (besides me after saving him) was Bly, so that made it clear that Bly was mafia since they went after the cop first night. 

105 - I

116 -T

115 - S

100 - D????

ASCII to printable characters gets me to "it's D" which is how you made the baby, not the babies gender.
LOL Gotta get that vitamin D.

So the first revision did spell out itsaboy, but I figured nobody in my family knows what ascii is except maybe my dad, but they'd never figure that out.

I'll let @chart94 answer, but pretty sure his save on the first night was a guess on his part, (1 out of 3 right Chart?).  I didn't reveal my cop status to him until the second day, Tuesday 6pm EST, when no one else claimed to be the doctor.  I told Chart then @blybrook PEwas the only non-confirmed townie who knew.  At the same time I lucked out and investigated @JayKay PE.  That was pretty much the end of it since Bly was already halfway out (guilty by knowing too much).

Yes, @RBHeadge PE was a great source of advice!  A couple more lucky investigations just sped up the end game.
Yup pretty much nailed it on the head there! 1/3 chances on who to save the first night. and got lucky from there. 

I was going for a quick joke, to intentionally pick a correct answer that was wrong. I almost went for the super absurd stone and rankine.
Ok. Because I assumed you would've been able to get stone and Celsius fairly quick.

I'm thinking I need to put a complex and lengthy series of questions and problems together. Like an escape room, but virtual.
