EB Mafia

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Is she a townie?  Are townies allowed to message her privately?

@LyceeFruit PE you're now apart of the townie team. You're not allowed to vote but @blybrook PE can kill you off if he can convince enough people to vote for you.

You can message her and any other member on the forum. She is an innocent bystander that's gotten caught up in a deadly game. She doesn't count in the final numbers and cant vote. Essentially, if you want to waste a vote and try to kill her you can. Otherwise it's like she isn't playing (because she requested not to play this round before the start of the game)

I was part of the first class of Mechanical Engineers that was not required to take Fortran. We could choose between Fortran and C+ (or was it C++ or C#? I can't remember This was in 2000-ish). I still took Fortran and had the highest grade in the class.

Later I took a "VBA for Engineers" course as an elective. Did very well in that course too. I've sense forgot everything... if you don't use it, you loose it. Currently I'm working on learning Python for data processing (numpy, scipy, pandas, etc)

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You can message her and any other member on the forum. She is an innocent bystander that's gotten caught up in a deadly game. She doesn't count in the final numbers and cant vote. Essentially, if you want to waste a vote and try to kill her you can. Otherwise it's like she isn't playing (because she requested not to play this round before the start of the game)
Well shoot. If we had NPCs the first round I would've just voted for them.

Current Players

You know what? Immallowit.

@LyceeFruit PE you're now apart of the townie team. You're not allowed to vote but @blybrook PE can kill you off if he can convince enough people to vote for you.

I got you too.

Current Vote:

@tj_PE - Audi

@Audi driver, P.E. - Cheby

@LyceeFruit PE (T) - bly

@JayKay PE - tj
Why not make her a Mafioso since she's derailing the thread!

Edit - She did want to play initially and then backed out last minute. Should still be a player!

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anybody got some of that sweet vote analysis this round? 
Feel free to call me out via PM if this is overstepping Mod boundaries but since this is public information here's my list of who voted for who first round.  Names are listed in the order of who ever responded first on if they were playing. Red was the final person killed last night.


Feel free to call me out via PM if this is overstepping Mod boundaries but since this is public information here's my list of who voted for who first round.  Names are listed in the order of who ever responded first on if they were playing. Red was the final person killed last night.

View attachment 16212
Rounf 3 is going to be epic.

ETA: since Chattaneer died, I don't have a Roung 4 vote... yet.

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I've got a scuba class to go help out with tonight (and Thursday)  so ya'll will have to keep up with the vote tally. I'll be back home after 9 to tally and post tonight's lynching / night kill.

Good luck!
