EB Mafia

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Wait, what does that mean? I didn’t read the last couple pages due to training today/not being on a computer and EB is crap on the phone. Are you protected or something?

@SaltySteve current vote tally?
She's not playing the game. Salty dude added her after someone cast a vote for her. Essentially an NPC who can't vote.

Wait, what does that mean? I didn’t read the last couple pages due to training today/not being on a computer and EB is crap on the phone. Are you protected or something?

@SaltySteve current vote tally?
@LyceeFruit PE is a townie without voting powers; This is my doing after she continued to derail the thread. She was previously a player until she backed out the day or two before the game was to begin.

@SaltySteve is scuba diving and won't be back online until after time is called. We have to keep track of the tally ourselves until he returns and gives the results.

I've gotta change my vote so that I don't waste it tonight on a NPC...

also? no pot was stirred. nobody that i was suspicious of got dedded! 

Fuck. Well, I’m still doing this on my phone, so I’m going to change my vote

@SaltySteve, I change my vote to @tj_PE because I don’t think they’re a npc and I can’t go back in this thread easily to count votes on my phone? Unless I missed that tj is also an npc? As well? These rules are confusing. 

Everyone please check that I've got your vote right. I hurried back from scuba and I skimmed the past couple pages with chlorine hazed eyes. I'm just glad you guys didn't all switch voted a million times while I was gone.

Everyone please check that I've got your vote right. I hurried back from scuba and I skimmed the past couple pages with chlorine hazed eyes. I'm just glad you guys didn't all switch voted a million times while I was gone.
you have bly 2x. he moved his vote from lycee to me 
