EB Mafia

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Ugh, LabView. I straight up didn't bother learning LabView because the only class I needed it for, there was a ME who did his internship with it, and I was the only EE in the lab, so I did all the wiring and the MEs did the LabView.
That was me with AutoCAD.

We had a small module on it freshman year in our "intro to engineering" class. My partner had done it in HS so he did the CAD, I did the report. 

Current Players

@SaltySteve, I'm currently voting for @LyceeFruit PE for dragging on the programming discussion. Subject to change.

You know what? Immallowit.

@LyceeFruit PE you're now apart of the townie team. You're not allowed to vote but @blybrook PE can kill you off if he can convince enough people to vote for you.

@SaltySteve I'm currently voting for @JayKay PE for forgetting me, and for aligning with, and then declaring that @MEtoEE was mafia, when clearly they weren't
I got you too.

Current Vote:

@tj_PE - Audi

@Audi driver, P.E. - Cheby

@LyceeFruit PE (T) - bly

@JayKay PE - tj

I didn't know anything about AutoCAD when I started working here. Now I've been banned from drafting because I cost too much. 
I used to be able to CAD circles around people when all I did was design.  Now I do so much other stuff my CAD skills have diminished.  Sometimes I miss just drawing.

Use it or lose it lol.

My dad was using a handyman that moved here from Mexico. In Mexico, he was a software developer, but he could make more money as a handyman here in the US. I was texting with my dad about it and I asked him to ask the handyman if he programmed in Si++. My dad didn't get the joke and asked the guy. Since he asked him verbally, it came out as "C++." The guy didn't program in C++.

im also suspecting all y'all who keep talking about programming and non mafia things

My dad was using a handyman that moved here from Mexico. In Mexico, he was a software developer, but he could make more money as a handyman here in the US. I was texting with my dad about it and I asked him to ask the handyman if he programmed in Si++. My dad didn't get the joke and asked the guy. Since he asked him verbally, it came out as "C++." The guy didn't program in C++.

My contribution to the programming discussion - I started as a CE and learned fortran cause TTU said all Civils needed to learn fortran. I went to the adviser and begged to take C or C+. Nope. Civils take fortran. Eventually changed majors and they required C so I had to take the intro course to that. No big deal cause once you understand logic basic logic structure you can do any intro class. All of that helped me to get up to speed programming PLCs at my first 2 jobs so I have no complaints.

Now the only thing that keeps me writing code is Arduino or Raspberry pi projects I do in my personal time.  Right now I'm working with Home Assistant to automate RGB lights on my porch for this coming Halloween/Christmas.

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My contribution to the programming discussion - I started as a CE and learned fortran cause TTU said all Civils needed to learn fortran. I went to the adviser and begged to take C or C+. Nope. Civils take fortran. Eventually changed majors and they required C so I had to take the intro course to that. No big deal cause once you understand logic basic logic structure you can do any intro class. All of that helped me to get up to speed programming PLCs at my first 2 jobs so I have no complaints.

Now the only thing that keeps me writing code is Arduino or Raspberry pi projects I do in my personal time.  Right now I'm working with Home Assistant to automate RGB lights on my porch for this coming Halloween/Christmas.
My sister graduated in civil.  She hated programming.  She had to take fortran.  I thought she was going to drop out of engineering all together.  She got through it and never struggled with any other class.

I didn't know anything about AutoCAD when I started working here. Now I've been banned from drafting because I cost too much. 
Typically our EEs are not allowed to do drafting. And previously, we weren't allowed to have AutoCAD on our computers. One of our EEs has AutoCAD and took a course at the AdultEd place. And has done some of her own drafting. But didn't do it to the correct client standards and annoyed the drafter when he had to go do something else in the file. She's also the one who clips her nails at her desk so...

Current Players

You know what? Immallowit.

@LyceeFruit PE you're now apart of the townie team. You're not allowed to vote but @blybrook PE can kill you off if he can convince enough people to vote for you.

I got you too.

Current Vote:

@tj_PE - Audi

@Audi driver, P.E. - Cheby

@LyceeFruit PE (T) - bly

@JayKay PE - tj

Typically our EEs are not allowed to do drafting. And previously, we weren't allowed to have AutoCAD on our computers. One of our EEs has AutoCAD and took a course at the AdultEd place. And has done some of her own drafting. But didn't do it to the correct client standards and annoyed the drafter when he had to go do something else in the file. She's also the one who clips her nails at her desk so...
When I worked in NC the EEs were allowed, even encouraged to do their own drafting.  We had only one GOOD drafter and he had to split his time between the other EE PEs vying for his time, so the other EEs would rather do their own drafting to make sure it was correct.
