EB Mafia

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Yeah I had to take Fortran and Turbo C++ and it was a pain.  It was the last year Fortran was taught and even then it was beyond "dinosaur" age/usefulness.

Yeah it was a general but weird statement, but I'm weird lol.

We learned assembly for our microprocessors course and it was a lot of fun.

Ugh, I HATED assembly. Worst language ever.
I think they switched the language used in Data Structures every 2 years...

And there was one class that was assembly - I forget the class name but the junior EEs and senior MEs took it. and it was assembly when the ME professor taught it but my year, it switched back to being taught by an EE professor and it was LabView. And I think it stayed LabView after that.

I'll have to ask my coworker what the class was - he was the year ahead of me at school and took both courses. 

I enjoyed it because I had a lot of programming knowledge before taking the class, and learning how to interface directly with the processor registers really helped me appreciate the advanced programming languages that were developed. 

I think they switched the language used in Data Structures every 2 years...

And there was one class that was assembly - I forget the class name but the junior EEs and senior MEs took it. and it was assembly when the ME professor taught it but my year, it switched back to being taught by an EE professor and it was LabView. And I think it stayed LabView after that.

I'll have to ask my coworker what the class was - he was the year ahead of me at school and took both courses. 
Ugh, LabView. I straight up didn't bother learning LabView because the only class I needed it for, there was a ME who did his internship with it, and I was the only EE in the lab, so I did all the wiring and the MEs did the LabView.

I enjoyed it because I had a lot of programming knowledge before taking the class, and learning how to interface directly with the processor registers really helped me appreciate the advanced programming languages that were developed. 
I can understand that, but assembly never "clicked" for me like the C languages did.

And let's not talk about Verilog... *shudders*

I was the only EE in the lab, so I did all the wiring and the MEs did the LabView
Something something teamwork makes the dream work something something...

As an ME, I liked LabView because that was about the level (more precisely, the limit) of my intellectual ability with respect to programming. I R not a programmer.

Also, I am not maf. Let's stay on topic, people. :rotflmao:

I enjoyed it because I had a lot of programming knowledge before taking the class, and learning how to interface directly with the processor registers really helped me appreciate the advanced programming languages that were developed. 

I remember in the 90s learning HTML and Java from a couple of computer science professors.  I was so proud of my first web page! lol

I knew people who learned how to write javascripts and then got hired by SAS in Cary, NC.  Then after I graduated I worked close by in Durham.  I was like "s*** I chose the wrong profession!" lol

Btw back on topic would the doctor who saved me kindly PM me?  I haven't had a chance to thank you yet lol.

I do miss my college books. After graduating I held on to them for about 2-3 years, then went back to the bookstore and sold them, because I never used them.

Now looking back, I wish I would've kept them since my dad kept some of his books and it was fun going back looking through the books he used. I guess I still have time to buy them all back, but am I really going to use my digital signals processing book again? Or my physics & chemistry books? What sort of information do they provide that google couldn't?
Tbh, I do have some wastewater treatment books that explain things sooooooo much better than google has ever been able to provide.  Metcalf&Eddy4lyfe

And here I am, coming back from training, not realizing that people who usually don't play are playing, and - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART - betrayal by @tj_PE!  WHO IS DEF MAFIA.
