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I can't give a good bookshelf pic. At home my books are split between a 3x3 bookshelf and boxes. I can't take a picture of the bookshelf because it is blocked by boxes full of my and my wife's books.

And I'm not stupid enough to take a picture of my workspace; but fwiw I only have a few nuclear reference books and the FE supplied reference handbook.

EEEEEEE!!! You have Semiconductor Device Fundamentals by Pierret!!!! I love that book!
So I dropped that class and I don't know why I still have that book.

It was the last class I needed for my physics minor and I decided that dealing with the professor wasn't worth it. 

When our program changed, the semiconductor class was no longer a requirement for the ECE kids only the EE kids. So it was also the last year the class was offered since my class had the choice between EE, ECE, and CPE. 

I would text my mother during that class and be like "OOOO this is what you do. this is really boring" (she's a technician for a semi-conductor company)

I can't give a good bookshelf pic. At home my books are split between a 3x3 bookshelf and boxes. I can't take a picture of the bookshelf because it is blocked by boxes full of my and my wife's books.

And I'm not stupid enough to take a picture of my workspace; but fwiw I only have a few nuclear reference books and the FE supplied reference handbook.
I see you didn't know the nuclear reference book or binder on my shelf lol 

So I dropped that class and I don't know why I still have that book.

It was the last class I needed for my physics minor and I decided that dealing with the professor wasn't worth it. 

When our program changed, the semiconductor class was no longer a requirement for the ECE kids only the EE kids. So it was also the last year the class was offered since my class had the choice between EE, ECE, and CPE. 

I would text my mother during that class and be like "OOOO this is what you do. this is really boring" (she's a technician for a semi-conductor company)
When I was in school they only had EE.  I actually worked in the computer science department, but only after I graduated did they split it into EE and ECE.  They merged the ECE with the computer science department, or something like that.

Was that in the off-chance there might be a nuclear question on the EE Power exam? 😁

Edit:  Oh, physics minor...didn't see that earlier.  You brainiac you! 🙂
It was because @RBHeadge PE was talking about it last fall and I like nuclear physics/engineering. I started a masters in NukeE but online learning isn't for me. 

Ooo I have the same Nise Control Systems Engineering book.

Edit: Also, your handwriting is nice.
I think my lab partner gave me back the wrong edition... he gave me a newer one lol

And thanks =]

When I was in school they only had EE.  I actually worked in the computer science department, but only after I graduated did they split it into EE and ECE.  They merged the ECE with the computer science department, or something like that.
My college had a very small department. They had split the programs into EE and CPE about 8 years before I got there. And then part way through my freshman year, put them back together to be ECE. There were less programming/computer-y courses in ECE than EE. Going with ECE meant I didn't need to take data structures with the CompSci kids. But it added computer architecture & operating systems (CAOS or Arch&Ops) which was awful but it was taught in the EE department and the CompSci kids had to take it lol.

Beautiful redheads tend to have beautiful handwriting.
Kinda weird statement. Especially since I'm not a redhead. 

My college had a very small department. They had split the programs into EE and CPE about 8 years before I got there. And then part way through my freshman year, put them back together to be ECE. There were less programming/computer-y courses in ECE than EE. Going with ECE meant I didn't need to take data structures with the CompSci kids. But it added computer architecture & operating systems (CAOS or Arch&Ops) which was awful but it was taught in the EE department and the CompSci kids had to take it lol.

Kinda weird statement. Especially since I'm not a redhead. 
Yeah I had to take Fortran and Turbo C++ and it was a pain.  It was the last year Fortran was taught and even then it was beyond "dinosaur" age/usefulness.

Yeah it was a general but weird statement, but I'm weird lol.

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