EB Mafia

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I used to have a bookshelf, but then computers and the internet became a thing, so pretty much all my references are digital. 

I do miss my college books. After graduating I held on to them for about 2-3 years, then went back to the bookstore and sold them, because I never used them.

Now looking back, I wish I would've kept them since my dad kept some of his books and it was fun going back looking through the books he used. I guess I still have time to buy them all back, but am I really going to use my digital signals processing book again? Or my physics & chemistry books? What sort of information do they provide that google couldn't?

I do miss my college books. After graduating I held on to them for about 2-3 years, then went back to the bookstore and sold them, because I never used them.

Now looking back, I wish I would've kept them since my dad kept some of his books and it was fun going back looking through the books he used. I guess I still have time to buy them all back, but am I really going to use my digital signals processing book again? Or my physics & chemistry books? What sort of information do they provide that google couldn't?
I know the feeling. I decided to keep my books mainly for the sentimental aspect, more than the practicality. I’m sure a lot of my books are out-of-date by now, but I like remembering what I learned from.

because i was suspicious of you and she allied with you right away. that's all. 

you showed up as using messenger a lot yesterday and that's what i usually go off of on day one. 

I know the feeling. I decided to keep my books mainly for the sentimental aspect, more than the practicality. I’m sure a lot of my books are out-of-date by now, but I like remembering what I learned from.
I wish they were on a shelf so when my kids get older they can look at the books and think, "dang, dad really is smart!"

For the longest time (I guess 2-3 years) my wife and I used our chemistry and physics books to elevate the TV above the speakers.  Most expensive TV stand we ever purchased.

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For the longest time (I guess 2-3 years) my wife and I used our chemistry and physics books to elevate the TV above the speakers.  Most expensive TV stand we ever purchased.
I took physics and calc in jr college. The total cost for both books almost exceeded my monthly tuition payments.

I'm sure I've already said this somewhere, but I actually used my dad's DE book to teach myself DE between semesters. I went through the entire book just reading and working every practice problem. Then when I took DE the following semester, it was a breeze. I still have that book. It's really good.

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I almost forgot my dad also kept his calculus book! But, when I was younger he and I glued all the pages together and then hollowed out the book. Now it sits on his bookshelf with a 32 revolver in it lol
