EB Mafia

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*scraps the narrative she was working on*

*Comes with disassembly instructions for easier transport.

You know, if I ever finally start to understand this game, I'm gonna mod. And it's gonna be fecking Maine theme. And someone is gonna die by woodchipper, lobstah trap, in a ski accident, in a paper pulp mill, death by Whoopie Pie, etc. 

You know, if I ever finally start to understand this game, I'm gonna mod. And it's gonna be fecking Maine theme. And someone is gonna die by woodchipper, lobstah trap, in a ski accident, in a paper pulp mill, death by Whoopie Pie, etc. 
Death by Whoopie Pie...do I wanna know? Is it safe to google?

You know, if I ever finally start to understand this game, I'm gonna mod. And it's gonna be fecking Maine theme. And someone is gonna die by woodchipper, lobstah trap, in a ski accident, in a paper pulp mill, death by Whoopie Pie, etc. 
I'm sure you'd be a great writer too!  I already know how you'd kill me.  There's really only one way at this point.


@squaretaper LIT AF PE was killed last night, and @txjennah PE was killed last night.

The remaining players are: @RBHeadge PE @LyceeFruit PE @JayKay PE @chart94 @ChebyshevII PE @Roarbark @Chattaneer PE

So I assume with the double death: one was killed by maf and one was killed by the vig? 
Do we get to know who was killed by mafia and who was killed by the vig? Is it safe to assume that both were townies since the game is still going?
