EB Mafia

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*scraps the narrative she was working on*
Are we in a position to accelerate the game?

You know, if I ever finally start to understand this game, I'm gonna mod. And it's gonna be fecking Maine theme. And someone is gonna die by woodchipper, lobstah trap, in a ski accident, in a paper pulp mill, death by Whoopie Pie, etc. 

Death by Whoopie Pie...do I wanna know? Is it safe to google?

Do we get to know who was killed by mafia and who was killed by the vig? Is it safe to assume that both were townies since the game is still going?
It's not public, but 5/7 active players know the identity of vig and who s/he targeted. So at least 5/7 also know who the mafia killed.

With public information, we can't safely say that both were townies. Nightkilled players do not have their roles revealed.

 5 hours ago, MadamPirate PE said:

@squaretaper LIT AF PE was killed last night, and @txjennah PE was killed last night.

The remaining players are: @RBHeadge PE @LyceeFruit PE @JayKay PE @chart94 @ChebyshevII PE @Roarbark @Chattaneer PE

Well she just listed their names.  Usually she'll say they're "regular townie" or "mafia".

Does this mean they were both townies with special powers?
Actual role is listed when lynched by fellow townies.  Night deaths never have the role revealed by the mod.
This^, and since we added the vig, nightkilled players don't have the role of their killers revealed.

Well I guess getting killed off will work in my favor. Just looked at some work documentation that has me listed as the sealing engineer. In a state I'm not licensed in yet. So my time used stalking this thread can now be used for my NCEES record. >_<
Is this a public or internal list? You'll want to get that fixed ASAP, especially if its external, otherwise it looks like practicing without a valid license. Either get your name off that list or get licensed yesterday, or both.

Is this a public or internal list? You'll want to get that fixed ASAP, especially if its external, otherwise it looks like practicing without a valid license. Either get your name off that list or get licensed yesterday, or both.
It's internal and it's on a document we're review on Tuesday. So I'll update them on my non-status but I'm looking at the state rules rn - just learned I need to go get a headshot  on top of doing my Record. I'm thinking I won't be licensed in time for this project anyway 

My *guess* is that it's a requirement for all licensed trades and professions. I've seen many states require that a photo be placed with the official license for the "blue collar" trades, but I've never seen it for the professional licenses outside of DC.
