EB Mafia

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Oh yeah those were kind of weird.  I played lead guitar, one guy played bass guitar, his wife on drums and my wife did the vocals.  
The singing was so much fun.  Highway Star (was that Rockband or Guitar Hero? Can't remember) was my JAM.  Although the high notes at the beginning would always bring me down and I would fail immediately.   WHATEVER ROCK BAND. 

The singing was so much fun.  Highway Star (was that Rockband or Guitar Hero? Can't remember) was my JAM.  Although the high notes at the beginning would always bring me down and I would fail immediately.   WHATEVER ROCK BAND. 
I know Highway Star was on Rock Band (the original one).  We had the second version because it had Eye of the Tiger, and songs by Duran Duran, Linkin Park and Disturbed.

I wonder how that happens 🙄

The last mafia member might be the hardest to find.  Cheby has been so quiet you can't read into anything he says, RoarBark avoids suspicion well, and Lycee might as well be a professional poker player.
srsly? do you not remember how last round went?! 
