EB Mafia

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Goooooooooood morning, Campers!

There are townsfolk (townies), and Mafia members. Townsfolk are going to try to eliminate the Mafia with extreme prejudice before the Mafia eliminates them. The game ends when either all of the Mafia is eliminated (town wins), or there are fewer townsfolk than Mafia members (Mafia wins). The game ends when either all of the Mafia is eliminated (town wins), or there are fewer townsfolk than Mafia members (Mafia wins).

The Mafia members are going to privately tell me who they would like to eliminate during the night. I will reveal to everyone what happened the next morning. Night eliminated players will not have their role revealed.

In addition to regular townsfolk and members of the Mafia, there is a Doctor, a Vigilante, and a Cop. The Doctor can choose someone to “save” during the night; if they choose the same person the Mafia or Vigilante choose, then that player will escape being eliminated that night. The Vigilante is a Regular Townsfolk who can occasionally choose someone to eliminate during the night. The Cop can “investigate” players during the day. The Doctor, Vigilante, and Cop are on the same side as the town.

During the day, everybody (Townsfolk and Mafia) will publicly vote for a person to sacrifice; I will eliminate the person with the most votes at the end of the day and reveal what their role was.

The Mafia members know who each other are, but no one knows anyone else’s role except me. I have sent more specific instructions to the members of the Mafia, the Doctor, Vigilante, and the Cop. If you did not receive a PM from me, then you are a regular townsfolk.

You may use this thread to vote and post about the game. Anyone (playing or not playing, eliminated or not) can use this thread to speculate, discuss, accuse, or otherwise participate in the game; just please make sure to follow regular EB forum guidelines.

To vote on a person to eliminate, mention me ( @MadamPirate PE ) in a post on this thread and tell me specifically that 1) you are voting and 2) the username of the person you are voting to eliminate. Please submit your votes by 9:00 pm Eastern Time each day; I will count votes after that time as being for the next day.

Your vote only counts if you are playing and not yet eliminated. If there is a tie for most votes, I will pick one of the voted users at random; or have a best 2/3 rock paper scissors match. If there are no votes, I will pick a person at random (i.e. role will not matter) to eliminate; suffice it to say it’s in both groups’ best interest to vote for at least one person.

The first vote will take place tonight on Tuesday (Jan 14).

For reference, the players in this round are:

@RBHeadge PE @txjennah PE @LyceeFruit PE @MEtoEE @JayKay PE @chart94 @_TheDude_ @squaretaper LIT AF PE @Will.I.Am PE @ChebyshevII PE @Roarbark @jean15paul_PE @Chattaneer PE

Good luck!

I let a girl teach me how to knit one time. I didn't think it was as quick as crocheting, but maybe that's because I had a lot more experience in crocheting.
You crochet? That's awesome! I mainly crochet, but am trying to get better at knitting. I do think knitting seems faster? But I think it's easier to correct mistakes in crochet.

Based on the number of veteran players here, and the number of times we've all "killed" and "revenge killed" each other, perhaps it's time for a new character.

"The Psychopath" - A role not known to either side, who may not comment publicly or privately (except to the mod), but can vote however he/she wants, and the vote is instantaneous.  In other words, a person can be killed by the psychopath any time of day. 

Can only vote on odd numbered rounds (rounds 1,3,5 etc.)

Can only be killed when voted by both a townie and mafia on the same day, but only needs 2 votes to be eliminated.

Btw I first wrote this before I saw @MadamPirate PE's opening post so nevermind lol.

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As far as I see it, you're all mafia scum and it is my civic duty to eliminate you all.

I'm following the process of our congress; you're all guilty until proven innocent.

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You crochet? That's awesome! I mainly crochet, but am trying to get better at knitting. I do think knitting seems faster? But I think it's easier to correct mistakes in crochet.
I'm putting this conversation on hold until it we find out if you're mafia or not.

Regardless of whether you are Mafia or not, I want to know the things you crochet.
You would. You're just trying to get on my good side to lower my suspicion of you. It's not going to work. I won't be pulled into your web of lies.

Lmao you do realize coming off super strong within like 2 seconds of the game starting makes you look more suspicious, right
See. SEE! Mafia! Trying to get the scent off your trail and draw attention to me! Not going to work.
