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I'm going to try and keep it going!  Doing a beer fest, hopefully, with @txjennah PE on February 1st (officially ending the dry month), so I can keep going.  As for a mocktail...I always feel so lame asking for that, but I might do that at whatever place we go to next.  I think I was just intimidated since the one bartender seemed like a jerk when I mentioned soda.  It's like...I want to give you guys money, but not for alcohol?  Can you work with me?

@LyceeFruit PE you're sober full-time, right?  I don't drink too much in general, tbh, since my family history has shown me how that would end, but it just feels so awkward to go do things with people where alcohol is the main driver.  Kudos to you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
nice pun LOL

I'm 8 years sober (as of last month)

don't feel lame! people don't drink for a variety of reasons and if the bartender is being a douche about it, ask for a different bartender. Yeah, soda doesn't have the same mark up as a mixed drink but it's still got a good mark up and it makes your life way easier bartender! why be a douche about a soda!? 

For my birthday we went to a dessert bar and sat at the bar so I watched the bartender make drink after drink, all complicated and involving a lot of shaking. my elbow ached for them! 

and yeah, it does feel awkward to be "The Sober One" especially when I was at the beginning of my sober life (which was also the start of my career) but now that it's more mainstream and i no longer gaf what people think, it's way less awkward. i mean, i went bar hopping last month with Boyfriend and his coworkers (well they went bar hopping, I met them at one bar before we had to leave for my holiday party lol) 

most places have seltzer and cranberry juice so that's an easy mocktail to get and it looks like a cran-vodka. you could do a mix of OJ, cran, and seltzer, that'd be good, especially for a brunch thing 

That was me!  I had worked 40 straight problems and I couldn't think anymore.  @Roarbark told me who we were going to night kill and he mentioned you so instead of reading (like you're supposed to READ the entire problem!), his entire message, I voted for @MadamPirate PE so you were killed early by my incompetence lol!

Bahaha right, I was busy that night & couldn't night vote, but sent a message to maf saying I thought we should kill JEAN (yes, written in caps :p), who had voted for Madam Pirate. 
@MadamPirate PE was promptly murdered. I figured long work and study hours might have something to do with it, and it was too early to really matter much, so 💁‍♂️

I'm in; I'm also sporadic, as a person. One of my weaknesses.


I always feel so lame asking for that, but I might do that at whatever place we go to next.  I think I was just intimidated since the one bartender seemed like a jerk when I mentioned soda.
I just look them dead in the eye and say "club soda and lime" and the bartender usually gets it. Sucks you had an uncooperative one. Boo...

It does get less awkward over time, especially since the "sober curious" movement is gaining traction. I think it's a good thing.

nice pun LOL

I'm 8 years sober (as of last month)

don't feel lame! people don't drink for a variety of reasons and if the bartender is being a douche about it, ask for a different bartender. Yeah, soda doesn't have the same mark up as a mixed drink but it's still got a good mark up and it makes your life way easier bartender! why be a douche about a soda!? 

For my birthday we went to a dessert bar and sat at the bar so I watched the bartender make drink after drink, all complicated and involving a lot of shaking. my elbow ached for them! 

and yeah, it does feel awkward to be "The Sober One" especially when I was at the beginning of my sober life (which was also the start of my career) but now that it's more mainstream and i no longer gaf what people think, it's way less awkward. i mean, i went bar hopping last month with Boyfriend and his coworkers (well they went bar hopping, I met them at one bar before we had to leave for my holiday party lol) 

most places have seltzer and cranberry juice so that's an easy mocktail to get and it looks like a cran-vodka. you could do a mix of OJ, cran, and seltzer, that'd be good, especially for a brunch thing 
That's awesome! Congratulations! 

Like @JayKay PE, I don't drink much either.  I'll have a drink if, say, I go out to eat with my husband and he's driving.  But ever since I started driving, I made it my personal rule not to have a drink if I had to drive myself afterward. Not even one. I hate the drinking culture here because I'll always get people asking me if I want a cocktail, why won't I try a drink, etc. I went to a happy hour with coworkers on Friday and this one person kept offering me a sip of her drink.  You don't know what people's situations are, respect them if they say they won't have a drink, or even better, just don't even ask.  We're all adults. I know how to order myself a drink.

I had a project manager about 10 years ago tell me that if I ~~wanted to fit in~~ I should just order a beer, then pretend to drink it. I was like, the fuck?! I never followed that advice. I have no problem being the only person not drinking in a group. And if you judge me for it, that's YOUR problem, not mine.

That's awesome! Congratulations! 

Like @JayKay PE, I don't drink much either.  I'll have a drink if, say, I go out to eat with my husband and he's driving.  But ever since I started driving, I made it my personal rule not to have a drink if I had to drive myself afterward. Not even one. I hate the drinking culture here because I'll always get people asking me if I want a cocktail, why won't I try a drink, etc. I went to a happy hour with coworkers on Friday and this one person kept offering me a sip of her drink.  You don't know what people's situations are, respect them if they say they won't have a drink, or even better, just don't even ask.  We're all adults. I know how to order myself a drink.

I had a project manager about 10 years ago tell me that if I ~~wanted to fit in~~ I should just order a beer, then pretend to drink it. I was like, the fuck?! I never followed that advice. I have no problem being the only person not drinking in a group. And if you judge me for it, that's YOUR problem, not mine.
Good stuff :)  

Is this even legal? I don't know anything about Indiana's health codes or alcohol laws, but the basics are pretty universal. back in my health inspector days I had to enforce some of PA's regs, and that included that anyplace that sells alcohol must also sell "food" items. IIRC that included non-alcoholic beverages but I could be remembering wrong.
I think they had water and like nibbles (like mac n' cheese), but I wasn't hungry and I wanted something 'more' than watter?  But, tbh, I think the bartender was just being a jerk.  I am def going to try for a mocktail next time we end up there, since it's a place my group likes to hang out at.

@LyceeFruit PE Thanks for the info!  I really only drink when I am out with friends or its a family thing, but I've never had the drive to have it in the house or anything?  I might actually do a dry year if I can figure out how to be more confident when ordering a mocktail or something.  Cocktails are really my only weakness since I like the mixed flavors/there isn't usually pineapple soda or something like that at a normal bar.

I think I've been using my drinking as like a crutch when I'm nervous since I've moved here.  I feel uncomfortable, but a beer in the hand is something 'normal' I've done before, so I think I've been doing it more often when I'm in a new situation.  I'd much rather drink water than alcohol, truthfully, so I think I just need to suck it up and start drinking things that I like instead of things I think everyone thinks I should like.

I think they had water and like nibbles (like mac n' cheese), but I wasn't hungry and I wanted something 'more' than watter?  But, tbh, I think the bartender was just being a jerk.  I am def going to try for a mocktail next time we end up there, since it's a place my group likes to hang out at.

@LyceeFruit PE Thanks for the info!  I really only drink when I am out with friends or its a family thing, but I've never had the drive to have it in the house or anything?  I might actually do a dry year if I can figure out how to be more confident when ordering a mocktail or something.  Cocktails are really my only weakness since I like the mixed flavors/there isn't usually pineapple soda or something like that at a normal bar.

I think I've been using my drinking as like a crutch when I'm nervous since I've moved here.  I feel uncomfortable, but a beer in the hand is something 'normal' I've done before, so I think I've been doing it more often when I'm in a new situation.  I'd much rather drink water than alcohol, truthfully, so I think I just need to suck it up and start drinking things that I like instead of things I think everyone thinks I should like.
check out thetemper.com for articles to help you thru the crutch feeling (if you want to).

as for pineapple soda: pineapple juice & seltzer (or club soda)? 

Also remember 1 gram of alcohol contains 7 calories. That's almost as much as fat (9 calories). So a 1.5oz shot of 80 proof alcohol contains about 98 calories. And alcohol is metabolized before anything else. That alone turns me off from drinking regularly.

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Letting us down? What are you talking about? It's all part of the game :) . We learn as we go, and also add to our "rules of Mafia list" (too lazy to find the rest of it)

# N+1. Anyone who acts drunk is mafia. Especially if it's Roarbark.
Side note. Exception to the rule is when @JayKay PE is making "ranger cookies" and may or may not ACTUALLY be drunk. 

Side note: JK is only allows themselves to be drunk while modding and baking.  That is all.
Although it reportedly may be a dry year for JayKay as well (UNLIKE MY WEATHER, HA!), so shouldn't be a problem. 

Dat censor though. Also @MEtoEE, didn't respond at the time, but I liked your salt story from last week. Solid twist.

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