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Although it reportedly may be a dry year for JayKay as well (UNLIKE MY WEATHER, HA!), so shouldn't be a problem. 
At minimum, a dry month.  If I can make it through most of the summer, it'll be smooth sailing.  I don't think I'll get there, though.  Have the family cruise coming up in June and my mom knows of my weakness for Jameson coffee in the morning.

Although it reportedly may be a dry year for JayKay as well (UNLIKE MY WEATHER, HA!), so shouldn't be a problem. 

Dat censor though. Also @MEtoEE, didn't respond at the time, but I liked your salt story from last week. Solid twist.
I thought it would be a good tie-in to the story (NCEES and waiting for exam results).  Plus, in the WTTS thread, it was funny hearing about all the whiners especially the ones threatening to storm NCEES HQ.  I kind of imagined a scene like that.  I grew up Baptist and we were told the pillar of salt story as kids and it freaked me out.  I remember my mom trying to tell me, "Well you're not supposed to question God and Lot's wife didn't listen", and that was the beginning of the end for me (the whole Baptist thing).  Anyway, I imagined the NCEES holding themselves to such a high esteem lol.

I'm in. Am I too late? I vote for the knitting theme or for the proctologist office theme, either is fine with me. 

Regarding the alcohol conversation. I enjoy an occasional drink or 2, but I've never been one to overdo it. I've definitely been buzzed/tipsy many times, but I've never drank so much that I had a hangover the next day. Anyway, one big change since I started the keto diet is that I can't hold my liquor anymore. Carbs act like a sponge and cause alcohol to get into your system a little slower. With no carbs in your body, alcohol hits you FAST and HARD. It's probably for the best, because most drinks have a lot of carbs, so they aren't compliant anyway.

Regarding what @txjennah PE said about pretending to drink...
I've heard more than one career coach say that if you're at a business or networking event where drinks are being served, you never want to not have a drink in your hand. It comes off to many people that you're the "party-pooper". Even if you're not drinking it, or even if you're drinking something non-alcoholic, you should be holding a glass with liquid in it. I'm not saying that's right or fair, but it's the reality of social situations. Is it worth the battle to try to change this social perception? I guess that's up to each individual. But it is good career advice. One guy went to far as to say, it's better to not go, then to go and not be holding a drink. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm in. Am I too late? I vote for the knitting theme or for the proctologist office theme, either is fine with me. 

Regarding the alcohol conversation. I enjoy an occasional drink or 2, but I've never been one to overdo it. I've definitely been buzzed/tipsy many times, but I've never drank so much that I had a hangover the next day. Anyway, one big change since I started the keto diet is that I can't hold my liquor anymore. Carbs act like a sponge and cause alcohol to get into your system a little slower. With no carbs in your body, alcohol hits you FAST and HARD. It's probably for the best, because most drinks have a lot of carbs, so they aren't compliant anyway.

Regarding what @txjennah PE said about pretending to drink...
I've heard more than one career coach say that if you're at a business or networking event where drinks are being served, you never want to not have a drink in your hand. It comes off to many people that you're the "party-pooper". Even if you're not drinking it, or even if you're drinking something non-alcoholic, you should be holding a glass with liquid in it. I'm not saying that's right or fair, but it's the reality of social situations. Is it worth the battle to try to change this social perception? I guess that's up to each individual. But it is good career advice. One guy went to far as to say, it's better to not go, then to go and not be holding a drink. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm with you on that one.  I've never had a hangover the following day, but I've gotten sick once or twice from it, and that was enough for me! (i.e. Never again will I have Crown, ever, EVERRRR)

I guess I can see that and understand why they would give that advice...but man, that's so lame.  If people want to judge me just because I don't have a drink in my hand, thhhhhh, their problem.

I'm with you on that one.  I've never had a hangover the following day, but I've gotten sick once or twice from it, and that was enough for me! (i.e. Never again will I have Crown, ever, EVERRRR)

I guess I can see that and understand why they would give that advice...but man, that's so lame.  If people want to judge me just because I don't have a drink in my hand, thhhhhh, their problem.
I've never had a hangover and the one single time I got sick while drinking was when I was out with co-workers (girl's night) and the waiter kept refiling my glass with sangria.  I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or the huge amount of sugar, but I def got shit-faced and threw up everywhere.  I was so embarrassed and my sister had to come pick me up.  That's the only time I ever got sick and I think I drank like 10+ drinks over a 2-hour period (which is so understandable on why I became sick).

I don't mind having a 'drink' in my hand.  I actually think more people are less pushy?  Tbh, when I was out with the group nobody seemed offended when I said I wasn't drinking?  And mostly everyone wanted to share drinks/let me take a sip, and then they were like, "Wait, you're not drinking, sorry!".  It was just that one bartender that made it awkward and I wanted to be like...'dude, I want to drink something, but you're making me uncomfortable by being really scowly when I said I wanted a coke.', so I just sat with my friends and had ultra good conversation.

(the one bar didn't serve regular drinks, only alcohol/spirits?).

How does that even work?  I mean, what does the DD drink?  Or the pregnoid?  I got a bloody mary once-hold the vodka -  when I was pregnant with my first kid.  I should have asked for the vodka separate, since they charged me for it.

How does that even work?  I mean, what does the DD drink?  Or the pregnoid?  I got a bloody mary once-hold the vodka -  when I was pregnant with my first kid.  I should have asked for the vodka separate, since they charged me for it.
It's one of those hispter bars that serve cocktails and bourbon and whiskey and special cocktails.  I'm sure they serve non-alcoholic stuff, like they had nibbles for food, but the bartender was being a jerk.  I didn't really like that bar in general, so this kinda gives me an excuse not to go back if I can avoid it.


I let a girl teach me how to knit one time. I didn't think it was as quick as crocheting, but maybe that's because I had a lot more experience in crocheting.

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