EB Mafia

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How do you have a Christmas party in the middle of January?
our regional HQ has their holiday party soon - it was either last Friday or is this Friday?

idk, it's 4 hours away so i'm not going.

our party was mid-December *shrugs*

I'd be down to mod, but I might need a little hand holding before the game begins. Though my company christmas party is Friday, so if we ended up playing through then, it would be a LATE day kill. 
I could assist with pre-game instruction

How do you have a Christmas party in the middle of January?
It happens more often than you'd think. Usually it's because someone started planing so late that it couldn't get done before use/lose kicks in and few can attend.

I vote @MadamPirate PE to mod, that way she won't revenge kill me the first day lol.
Yes, but you're in-game death could be extra painful. Candy-canes anyone?

We decided to push it to January so we could spend the same amount of money but have a better party. :)
or this

we too have a holiday party in january. cheaper, higher availability of participants, etc. 

only prob is "dry" january participants this year bc we're going wine tasting!

that would be one of the worst holiday party ideas i could imagine 
yeah it would not be ideal for bigger companies/with larger variety of preferences we all voted on this one though and no one blackballed it! we're taking a bus up to woodinville and then coming back to seattle for a nice dinner. last year we did a paint night. before, there's been casino night, cooking competition, glass blowing etc. 

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I'm out again this week - leaving thursday AM to go throw my cousin a surprise birthday party. SHH don't tell her!

we too have a holiday party in january. cheaper, higher availability of participants, etc. 

only prob is "dry" january participants this year bc we're going wine tasting!
I'm attempting a dry January this year, because a lot of people mentioned it at my gym.  I've already made it through one meetup without drinking, but it was miserable (the one bar didn't serve regular drinks, only alcohol/spirits?).  I have another meetup again on Friday and...I mean, I think I'm going to drink just to fit in if I can't get soda.

I'll be in this round, if someone wants.  I could mod in the next round or two, once I get my 'new' schedule in place, if anyone wants me to.  

As for last round, I had PMs going with around 4 or 5 different people.  Some knew I was the cop, some didn't, and some I 'combined' into one convo.  Lycee was one of the first suspects I had, since I PM'd them and they didn't respond.  I was messaging @txjennah PE through text and I think one of my first texts was something like, "I don't trust Roar or Lycee." I ignored me2, to be honest, since they were being fairly obvious about the alignment?  I 'revealed' myself the second day, hoping to push someones hand, but idk.  Playing the fake town drunk was fun, but that wasn't my original plan.  It was only after someone said that I was the town drunk is that I realized that I hadn't typed any text and that I technically could be the town drunk.  It actually made figuring out who was the 'real' drunk way easier since they were the only other player that had to follow the rules of no in-game text, but who could PM.

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