EB Mafia

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Letting us down? What are you talking about? It's all part of the game :) . We learn as we go, and also add to our "rules of Mafia list" (too lazy to find the rest of it)

# N+1. Anyone who acts drunk is mafia. Especially if it's Roarbark.
I was talking about Day 3 when I talked to much and I feel like I cost us the game on Day 3. We never recovered after that.  Hey but yeah I really enjoyed the game.  

On study nights, I would take a break every hour and check on things.  It was a nice way to break up the evening.  I enjoyed playing the mafia role.  

I think it's good to experiment with different roles (doctor, vigilante, lawyer, cop, drunk etc.)  

Everyone please include me in future games.  

Aw man! I'm glad I didn't get killed off night 2!  

I did get some very useful info from jaykay before she was killed off and stopped playing.  lycee was pretty easy to figure out as mafia.  MetooEE was suspicious for sure. I prob would not have guessed Roar without ~intel~
So @LyceeFruit PE was pretty quiet (she's been partying every night since passing the PE lol) but easy to figure out?  How?  I was suspicious because I talked too much?  

Just trying to figure out a happy medium for whenever the next time I play.

(maf switches to jk.) And the town is now royally f’d
I think this was actually an accident LOL

Aw man! I'm glad I didn't get killed off night 2!  

I did get some very useful info from jaykay before she was killed off and stopped playing.  lycee was pretty easy to figure out as mafia.  MetooEE was suspicious for sure. I prob would not have guessed Roar without ~intel~
how was i easy to pick off being maf? 

I was talking about Day 3 when I talked to much and I feel like I cost us the game on Day 3. We never recovered after that.  Hey but yeah I really enjoyed the game.  

On study nights, I would take a break every hour and check on things.  It was a nice way to break up the evening.  I enjoyed playing the mafia role.  

I think it's good to experiment with different roles (doctor, vigilante, lawyer, cop, drunk etc.)  

Everyone please include me in future games.  
This game is hard! Everyone seems suspicious. I second guess everything I do and say, esp as mafia!  But it's a lot of fun.  

I think this was actually an accident LOL

how was i easy to pick off being maf? 
Agree.  I don't see how Lycee made it easy to get picked off.  In fact, I was kicking myself for not letting her win the rock paper scissors game because Lycee and Roar would have had a better chance without me.  I dunno, maybe we were already doomed by then.

I had the benefit of omniscience this round, but here's how things looks from my end:

1) cheb/lycee joint voting and voting off townies on two days was a big tipoff that one or both were mafia.

2) all the afortmentioned metoee actions

3) metoee aggressively defended lycee and roar with the same intensity/tactics that he defended himself during the game. Didn't do that for other players. Establishes connections between the three

roar looked to be the least mafia of the three. He hid himself and voted well, if not for jk's immediate investigation and 3) above, he could have "greyed" his way into the later rounds.

The game looked like "mate in 3" by midday on day two. The town made some unforced errors that extended it another day.

Agree.  I don't see how Lycee made it easy to get picked off.  In fact, I was kicking myself for not letting her win the rock paper scissors game because Lycee and Roar would have had a better chance without me.  I dunno, maybe we were already doomed by then.
madam reminded me, the first thing that really clued me in was when she was killed off the night she voted for lycee.  Then I went back and viewed her voting records, etc.

I had the benefit of omniscience this round, but here's how things looks from my end:

1) cheb/lycee joint voting and voting off townies on two days was a big tipoff that one or both were mafia.

2) all the afortmentioned metoee actions

3) metoee aggressively defended lycee and roar with the same intensity/tactics that he defended himself during the game. Didn't do that for other players. Establishes connections between the three

roar looked to be the least mafia of the three. He hid himself and voted well, if not for jk's immediate investigation and 3) above, he could have "greyed" his way into the later rounds.

The game looked like "mate in 3" by midday on day two. The town made some unforced errors that extended it another day.
Yeah, if I didn't get the intel I received from jaykay before she was killed off, roar wouldn't have even been on my radar.  

if you were night 1, we just picked someone at random. but one of our night votes was a misunderstanding and we killed off the wrong person lol 
That was me!  I had worked 40 straight problems and I couldn't think anymore.  @Roarbark told me who we were going to night kill and he mentioned you so instead of reading (like you're supposed to READ the entire problem!), his entire message, I voted for @MadamPirate PE so you were killed early by my incompetence lol!

Do we have any volunteers to mod the next game?

I'd prefer to play but I'm willing to do it - if only to actually to beta test the vigilante. I don't have a narrative prepared and don't really have the time to prepare one so any game I mod in the next few weeks would be pretty basic.

That was me!  I had worked 40 straight problems and I couldn't think anymore.  @Roarbark told me who we were going to night kill and he mentioned you so instead of reading (like you're supposed to READ the entire problem!), his entire message, I voted for @MadamPirate PE so you were killed early by my incompetence lol!
Well I know who I'm voting for first, next game... ;)

i honestly pick people at random.

i'm awful at this games.

@MEtoEE & @Roarbark were waaaay more into it than i was lol 
If anyone had seen the dialogue between me and @Roarbark you would think we were studying for the exam.

I was actually surprised a few people believed my NCEES story.  I wish I could be as convincing about my in-game comments.

Do we have any volunteers to mod the next game?

I'd prefer to play but I'm willing to do it - if only to actually to beta test the vigilante. I don't have a narrative prepared and don't really have the time to prepare one so any game I mod in the next few weeks would be pretty basic.
I'd be down to mod, but I might need a little hand holding before the game begins. Though my company christmas party is Friday, so if we ended up playing through then, it would be a LATE day kill. 
