EB Mafia

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Six weeks have passed since the exam. 42 long agonizing days. The spam thread surpassed 15k. @squaretaper LIT AF PE had the most topp posts; @Chattaneer PE insulted @matt267 PE the most times, and @Will.I.Am PE got the 15kth post.

The WTTS thread it at page 85. The natives got so angry that on Day 41 the vets got scared off for a few hours due to the vitriol. The isn't a new cut score meeting so no one knows what is causing the delay. People assume that Nieces wants another sacrifice. They held a vote between @ChebyshevII PE and @Roarbark, with @Roarbark receiving the most votes.

@Roarbark was a troll with a burner account.

The winning players are

 @ChebyshevII PE    @Will.I.Am PE   @txjennah PE   @NikR_PE

A few hours later, by shear coincidence, the results are released. And all four learned that passed the exam. @Roarbark @LyceeFruit PE and @MEtoEE were the first to congratulate them on passing, and invited them to stick around to "welcome" the next class of examinees to the board.

The forum admin was @JayKay PE

The ONLY REAL meme poster was @Roarbark. Everyone else was just pretending.

The vigilant was @_TheDude_

There was no lawyer. But I had to make people think that there could be one for game balance reasons.

I kept some notes on my thoughts and reactions to some of the in game moves. Some of the actions this round and my reactions were kinda funny to me, so I'll share them on Monday when I'm back in the office.

We didn't get a chance to properly test the vigilante role since he died right before he was allowed to nightkill.

We'll need to have a discussion on the town drunk role. I'm not sure if it was successful or not? There were certainly some fun moments. But I wasn't expecting a third of the group to keep it up all game. It probably could work the as a game effecting role in the future, but it has the potential to get annoying too.

Yayyy phew! Good round all. Definitely tricky.

I have mixed feelings about the town drunk role. I’m glad we tested  it and it was certainly entertaining, but I feel like the board will devolve to videos and memes in a couple of games as everyone adopts it as a strategy.

Yayyy phew! Good round all. Definitely tricky.

I have mixed feelings about the town drunk role. I’m glad we tested  it and it was certainly entertaining, but I feel like the board will devolve to videos and memes in a couple of games as everyone adopts it as a strategy.
Agreed. Even though I was one that was abusing it lol for sure need some limits

Yayyy phew! Good round all. Definitely tricky.

I have mixed feelings about the town drunk role. I’m glad we tested  it and it was certainly entertaining, but I feel like the board will devolve to videos and memes in a couple of games as everyone adopts it as a strategy.
Maybe alternate between mod and trad styles? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It was fun but mildly frustrating/interesting dynamic for me. I think it has a place, but yeah having majority of the crew "acting" drunk made it a shitshow of sorts. My condition is not a joke!

@RBHeadge PE I totally thought you were making a joke on the stress/alcoholic tendencies of testtakers, by making half the group drunkies. Gg all.

Edit: ahhhhh, words. Sweet normal words.

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@RBHeadge PE I totally thought you were making a joke on the stress/alcoholic tendencies of testtakers, by making half the group drunkies. Gg all.
No, I'm usually not that deep with my symbolism. it was just beta testing gameplay.

I intentionally made it only one person, and gave the role no ability to effect gameplay because I wanted to see how the role-player and other players would react to it. I thought maybe one person would fake it. I figured the assigned player would grow resentful. And that some other players would grow annoyed by all the memes.  The former didn't happen, but the latter two happened to a certain extent.

The town drunk did wind up effecting game play. At first @JayKay PE was picking her investigations based on who was acting "drunk", even though I told her (and everyone else) that the "drunk" role doesn't show up in an investigation - it was purely cosmetic. She targeted @Roarbark first and we know how that worked out. 

No, I'm usually not that deep with my symbolism. it was just beta testing gameplay.

I intentionally made it only one person, and gave the role no ability to effect gameplay because I wanted to see how the role-player and other players would react to it. I thought maybe one person would fake it. I figured the assigned player would grow resentful. And that some other players would grow annoyed by all the memes.  The former didn't happen, but the latter two happened to a certain extent.

The town drunk did wind up effecting game play. At first @JayKay PE was picking her investigations based on who was acting "drunk", even though I told her (and everyone else) that the "drunk" role doesn't show up in an investigation - it was purely cosmetic. She targeted @Roarbark first and we know how that worked out. 
Great modding btw, I enjoyed the fan service and thought the ending was actually really sweet.

Agreed. Even though I was one that was abusing it lol for sure need some limits
Agreed. ☝️ I started doing it just for fun, but then realized I couldn't come clean without seeming disingenuous, and bringing suspicion upon myself... I agree that it was an interesting beta test.

Great modding/writing.  Thoroughly enjoyed playing.  Great way to break up the studying now and then.  Feel bad for @LyceeFruit PE and @Roarbark for letting them down 😰 lol.
Letting us down? What are you talking about? It's all part of the game :) . We learn as we go, and also add to our "rules of Mafia list" (too lazy to find the rest of it)

# N+1. Anyone who acts drunk is mafia. Especially if it's Roarbark.

Really only the townie, mafia, and maybe an investigative role (ie cop) are needed. Everything else is optional.

I was tweaking things for game balance and game management. The vigilante had a lot of potential to wreck things, usually in favor of the town, so I did a couple things (removal of doc and timing of investigation that tilted towards the mafia. In hindsight it didn't matter this round...

We've done over ten rounds of this game, and the doctor only saved someone once. Depending on who you think won the third round, that "save" either won it for the town, or didn't matter. But there was another round where the inclusion of the doctor role actually lost the game for the town since @ChebyshevII PE somehow convinced everyone that he was the doctor event though he was mafia.

I had to keep the appearance of the doctor role for game balance reasons though. There still needed to be some uncertainty in the cops investigation (mafia or doc), hence why I kept the role officially in the game. I should note that I read that the vigilante and town drunk are a "normal townsperson" role.

I also removed the doctor for game management reasons. There were a lot of special characters this round, and even more people faking it, and the marginal benefit of having another (mostly lame) special character wasn't worth the added effort to play and manage it - especially since its not fun to play and its difficult to factor into game analysis.

In the scheme of things, all these added roles and tweaks were OBE as the game played out as normally and none of the new stuff took place. I don't consider the extra gifs as game effecting.

Below are my real time thoughts as the game progressed. It was written in shorthand and I didn't edit it much

Assigning roles:

ahh geez, I hope roar is okay with being maf and drunk. Maybe I should just give it to jean since he wants it. Obv decided against it and kept it rando

I can’t see many people wanting to play the drunk

Day 1

Hfs, why are thee (now four) people playing the drunk! Is they going to keep it up?

(got PMs from roar and jk) I totally made the drunk not game effecting, why are jk and roar treating this like it matters?

(when jk investigates roar) Oh wow, the drunk is actually going to effect the game. Tote didn’t see this happening

Day 2

Why is cheb voting with the maf? Did he get recruited or is he a useful idiot?

Why is jk revealing herself. Wtf. She’s totes dead tonight

Maf needs to hide their votes better and alliances better. Between jk and public forum stuff, the examinees easily have enough to figure out all three mafia. Mate in 3

(And jk is investigating spicket), this just got more interesting, he can kill tonight.

(maf wants to nightkill txj) Why are the maf taking out txj? Jk admitted to being the cop?! Wtf?

(vote is almost looking like a tie) – hmmm, this could get interesting.

(dude preorderes kill on metoee). Mate in 2

vote ties up – ah sht gotta rewrite stuff

jk investigates will. …so much for entering the endgame

dude loses rps, game just got a lot longer

(maf switches nightnill to will) WTF? Why aren't they taking out the cop?

(dude posts spreadsheet). I wonder if anyone will notice cheb/lycee  thing? The metoee/roar and metoee/lycee connections aren’t quite as well documented in the sheet as I would expect. At least the cop is alive

(maf switches to jk.) And the town is now royally f’d

Day 3

morning - and we're back to a normal round of mafia. So much for beta testing things

Notices cheb/lycee. Lycee dogpile ensues – town might pull this off. They’ll get her and maybe roar. Not sure if they’ll pick up on metoee?

Metoee sacrifices lycee – writing her off (!)

Will votes for metooee. (!!) Has he figured it out? What did jk tell him. Did he talk with dude?

Metoee changes to will. Rookie mistake Ugh, totally revealed yourself again.

(game tied between two maf) I wonder if they'll voluntarily sac one of themselves via PM or RPS? smart move is to oust metoee. nope they keep it rando

Day 4

The town may or may not know everything by now. This feels like mate in max 3 depending on if roar makes people think cheb is mafia.

Day 5

see day 4

Am I going to have to do a third RPS?

nope, theres the tiebreaker for roar


Below are my real time thoughts as the game progressed. It was written in shorthand and I didn't edit it much

Assigning roles:

ahh geez, I hope roar is okay with being maf and drunk. Maybe I should just give it to jean since he wants it. Obv decided against it and kept it rando

I can’t see many people wanting to play the drunk

Day 1

Hfs, why are thee (now four) people playing the drunk! Is they going to keep it up?

(got PMs from roar and jk) I totally made the drunk not game effecting, why are jk and roar treating this like it matters?

(when jk investigates roar) Oh wow, the drunk is actually going to effect the game. Tote didn’t see this happening

Day 2

Why is cheb voting with the maf? Did he get recruited or is he a useful idiot?

Why is jk revealing herself. Wtf. She’s totes dead tonight

Maf needs to hide their votes better and alliances better. Between jk and public forum stuff, the examinees easily have enough to figure out all three mafia. Mate in 3

(And jk is investigating spicket), this just got more interesting, he can kill tonight.

(maf wants to nightkill txj) Why are the maf taking out txj? Jk admitted to being the cop?! Wtf?

(vote is almost looking like a tie) – hmmm, this could get interesting.

(dude preorderes kill on metoee). Mate in 2

vote ties up – ah sht gotta rewrite stuff

jk investigates will. …so much for entering the endgame

dude loses rps, game just got a lot longer

(maf switches nightnill to will) WTF? Why aren't they taking out the cop?

(dude posts spreadsheet). I wonder if anyone will notice cheb/lycee  thing? The metoee/roar and metoee/lycee connections aren’t quite as well documented in the sheet as I would expect. At least the cop is alive

(maf switches to jk.) And the town is now royally f’d

Day 3

morning - and we're back to a normal round of mafia. So much for beta testing things

Notices cheb/lycee. Lycee dogpile ensues – town might pull this off. They’ll get her and maybe roar. Not sure if they’ll pick up on metoee?

Metoee sacrifices lycee – writing her off (!)

Will votes for metooee. (!!) Has he figured it out? What did jk tell him. Did he talk with dude?

Metoee changes to will. Rookie mistake Ugh, totally revealed yourself again.

(game tied between two maf) I wonder if they'll voluntarily sac one of themselves via PM or RPS? smart move is to oust metoee. nope they keep it rando

Day 4

The town may or may not know everything by now. This feels like mate in max 3 depending on if roar makes people think cheb is mafia.

Day 5

see day 4

Am I going to have to do a third RPS?

nope, theres the tiebreaker for roar

Aw man! I'm glad I didn't get killed off night 2!  

I did get some very useful info from jaykay before she was killed off and stopped playing.  lycee was pretty easy to figure out as mafia.  MetooEE was suspicious for sure. I prob would not have guessed Roar without ~intel~

I was a little sad I got nightkilled so early, but this was at least an entertaining game to watch. I personally am not a fan of the town drunk role, but it did make things hilarious. 
