EB Mafia

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Yeah, personally I left that up to the townies. (If you want to do slightly less work @JayKay PE)
I have to go to a company Christmas party (yes another one) soon, so I wanna vote before I go... But I am unsure.
Remember we're doing the delay so it can wait till Monday.

JayKay does not tell us what anyone killed in the night is. She only reveals roles at the town lynchings.
It's advantageous to the town (via the cop) to know the roles of the nightkilled. It offers no advantage to the mafia to know the role of those who they killed.

Those folks killed in the night are killed by the mafia....I think it's safe to assume they aren't going to kill one of their own... Right? Am I wrong making that assumption?
I've gamed this out many times. I can't think of a strategic advantage to the mafia nightkilling one of their own. It has distinct negative win potential. I'm not sure I buy the narrative that it could throw the town off their track either.

The randomizer hasn't been that nice to me. I keep getting passed up for the fun rolls.
Fun is a relative word. Each are stressful in their own way. Everything but the doctor has some potential to be fun.

I prefer to be a townie. I like the challenge of figuring things out with a hunter-killer narrative.

I like being a regular townie, for lack of responsibilities! When I was the cop and the doctor, I was always afraid of getting killed without having been able to do my maximum amount to help. When I was the doctor, it was pretty lowkey because the worst thing that would happen is I saved a mafia member, who probably wouldn't be killed in the night, anyway. When I was the cop, I felt a lot of pressure to figure out who were mafia, and like I wasn't doing a good job at keeping track of who voted for whom, etc.

As a mafia player, my fear is of being discovered. I don't like having to lie about my role!

I'm still waiting but I need to study regardless just don't know which to go with 

Alright, Roll call.

Who is still playing now that the majority of us know pass/fail.

I suspect we might loose a couple that go inactive now that scores are out.
