EB Mafia

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I'd be OK if all the mafia stopped playing and forfeited :dunno:  
I guess we'll find out tonight if the mafia are still around. In the mean time lets go back to pointing fingers. 

@JayKay PE I'd like to vote for @MadamPirate until further notice. All of her votes seem to be too inconsequential. just enough to vote but not bring attention one way or the other. She's not voted for anyone thats gotten lynched or murdered and thats just weird.

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Most of the folks are regulars, I'd hope they'd let us newbs stick around @Spickett
I went to church Sunday (aside from those rare Easter/Christmas services to appease in-laws) with my wife for the 1st time in over 10 (?) years after a terrible weekend/failing the exam/getting killed by the mafia and listening to my wife lament (you would have thought SHE had failed the exam twice) and arguing whether to take the damn thing again.  But actually it was mostly coincidence since we had talked about exposing our young son to some kind of religion early on.

Anyway I know you hadn't received your results so I prayed for you @MadamPirate!

I went to church Sunday (aside from those rare Easter/Christmas services to appease in-laws) with my wife for the 1st time in over 10 (?) years after a terrible weekend/failing the exam/getting killed by the mafia and listening to my wife lament (you would have thought SHE had failed the exam twice) and arguing whether to take the damn thing again.  But actually it was mostly coincidence since we had talked about exposing our young son to some kind of religion early on.

Anyway I know you hadn't received your results so I prayed for you @MadamPirate!
i don't have my results either!!!! :p  

also i'm sorry that being killed by the mafia added to the burn of your results :(  

I'm not playing but I still look at even the mafia thread because it's still good "post-fail" therapy.

Hard to speculate on @MadamPirate.  I don't know what to make of that (not voting for anyone who got killed).  That almost reminds me of how I played Clue over Thanksgiving.  I pretended to have no "clue" (pun intended...or not) to the point everyone was making fun of my inquiries and I ended up winning.  Acting skills are required.
