EB Mafia

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::hugs:: I am so sorry!
Thanks.  It's ok.  Not the end of the world.  Just gotta chill for a bit, then re-group and get ready for next time.  I appreciate everyone on these boards...the SPAM, results, and the mafia game.  Didn't even know about the spam/mafia stuff until just a few days ago lol.  

Carry on with the game!

Me too.  I failed....40/80 worse than last attempt (43).  I want to go home but I have work to do.  This sucks, especially telling co-workers/boss/family/friends.  Congrats to all who passed! 

(I wonder if NCEES got their curling iron yet?)
You'll get it next time. Never give up, never surrender!

Me too.  I failed....40/80 worse than last attempt (43).  I want to go home but I have work to do.  This sucks, especially telling co-workers/boss/family/friends.  Congrats to all who passed! 

(I wonder if NCEES got their curling iron yet?)
YOU'LL GET IT ON THE THIRD TRY LIKE ME.  Maybe take a break from studying if you did the last two exams back to back?  I was really burnt out when I did that the first time.  Did a 6-month break, got the rest of my life in order, and then studied like a boss!  I actually planned out my actual work/study schedule and what I was covering on the weekends.  I took a class, so I usually had Saturday as re-review the class notes and tab and then Sunday was do all the practice problems in my notes/tabbing my reference book.

I was more methodical instead of cramming everything in and really knew my references better (I actually took in less during my last exam than previousl).

Aw, I'm sorry to hear you guys didn't pass, @Spickett and @MEtoEE. The PE exam is a beast, and you aren't alone in having to take it again.

Most importantly, please remember that not passing the PE exam does NOT make you any worse of an engineer than you already are! You're the same smart people you were as before you took the exam, with two months' more work experience to boot.

You guys will get it next time!

YOU'LL GET IT ON THE THIRD TRY LIKE ME.  Maybe take a break from studying if you did the last two exams back to back?  I was really burnt out when I did that the first time.  Did a 6-month break, got the rest of my life in order, and then studied like a boss!  I actually planned out my actual work/study schedule and what I was covering on the weekends.  I took a class, so I usually had Saturday as re-review the class notes and tab and then Sunday was do all the practice problems in my notes/tabbing my reference book.

I was more methodical instead of cramming everything in and really knew my references better (I actually took in less during my last exam than previousl).
@MEtoEE Co-sign! After I failed in October 2017, I took a break to focus on my wedding (which was a week before the April 2018 cycle). Best decision I could have made, I was able to enjoy getting married instead of stressing over studying.  Three weeks after my honeymoon, I sat down just about every night at my kitchen table and studied.  Tons of practice problems, spread out the references I was going to use, got into a better review class. Passed the third time, same cycle as @JayKay PE

Me too.  I failed....40/80 worse than last attempt (43).  I want to go home but I have work to do.  This sucks, especially telling co-workers/boss/family/friends.  Congrats to all who passed! 

(I wonder if NCEES got their curling iron yet?)
My coworker took this last one and didn't pass either.  She's crushed, because she felt great about it this time.  Hopefully for her 3rd time is a charm also!

On the topic of EB Mafia... I'm bummed to have been DEDed, but now I get to hang out with a bunch of cool peeps, so it's not all bad. Plus, it proves I wasn't mafia since I was killed in the night!

Unless the mafia are up to some serious hijinks...

I'm glad for the weekend break, too! 18 people is A LOT of people to play with. @JayKay PE, you're well warranted a break, and for me personally, it's easier to not play on the weekends as I'm not always on EB as much.

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The giant wood chipper

:( I'm sorry. 

Also, guys, would it be possible to have the next lynching deadline moved to Monday, December 16 @ 10PM EST instead of playing each night (today and over the weekend)?  I like to try and stay off the computer once Friday afternoon arrives and since there are still 12 people playing, even weekend play would still require some spill into next week.  I'd still keep track of votes, just...not writing a ton each night/morning.

Aka: JK is tired.  Needs to meal prep.  Wants to go to bed early.
Whatevers easiest for our modular is great for me! You're doing amazing.
