EB Mafia

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Are you implying that we should vote for someone who failed the PE? That's just mean.
Put them out of their misery? 

@squaretaper PE I was going to ask how an Irish goodbye would be called online, especially on EB WHERE WE CAN SEE YOU'RE ONLINE.  STOP LYING TO ME, I THOUGHT WE WERE ONLINE FRIENDS??<LEF<:LA *falls into deep despair* 

I've been dedded too. I'm sticking around! Spectating. My suspicions are on @Spickett and @Roarbark. For no real reason except that I almost voted for Spickett twice, then switched last minute... Then the day before I was killed in the night, I voted for Roarbark. Maybe one or both of them is amongst the mafia and they think I was a special character?

I think I'm confused.

Is there still an ongoing round?
Surely you're not serious (and don't call me Shirley).  You pass the exam and your mind turns to mush?  Did you do mushrooms while celebrating this past weekend? I mean, congrats on passing but dayum....😆

You know I'm just  messin....kind of 🤔😁

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Surely you're not serious (and don't call me Shirley).  You pass the exam and your mind turns to mush?  Did you do mushrooms while celebrating this past weekend? I mean, congrats on passing but dayum....😆

You know I'm just  messin....kind of 🤔😁
A) I've never played this before, so idk what's going on.
B) I went back through some pages, but still don't know what's going on.
C) I'm good with numbers, not with words.
