EB Mafia

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Mafia Round 13


(i am spiraling out of control, who let me mod again?)

There are townsfolk (townies), and Mafia members. Townsfolk are going to try to eliminate the Mafia with extreme prejudice before the Mafia eliminates them. The game ends when either all of the Mafia is eliminated (town wins), or there are fewer townsfolk than Mafia members (Mafia wins).

The Mafia members are going to privately tell me who they would like to eliminate during the night. I will reveal to everyone what happened the next morning with some delightful storytelling.

During the day, everybody (townsfolk and Mafia) will publicly vote for a person to eliminate; I will eliminate the person with the most votes at the end of the day and reveal what their role was.

In addition to regular townsfolk and members of the Mafia, there is also a Doctor and a Cop. The Doctor can choose someone to “save” during the night; if they choose the same person the Mafia chose, then that player will escape elimination by the Mafia that night. The Cop can “investigate” players during the night.

The Mafia members know who each other are, but no one knows anyone else’s role except me. I have sent more specific instructions to the members of the Mafia, the Doctor, and the Cop. If you did not receive a PM from me, then you are a regular townsfolk/townie.

You may use this thread to vote and post about the game. Anyone (playing or not playing, eliminated or not) can use this thread to speculate, discuss, accuse, or otherwise participate in the game; just please make sure to follow regular EB forum guidelines.

To vote on a person to eliminate, mention me @JayKay PE and tell me specifically that 1) you are voting and 2) the username of the person you are voting to eliminate.

Example: @JayKay PE I vote for @NikR_PE because they didn't try to take over the world last round.

Please submit your votes by 10:00 PM EST/9:00 PM CST/8:00 PM MST/7:00 PM PST/6:00 PM Blybrooke Time (BLT)

I will count votes after that time as being for the next day.  If you would like to change your vote before the deadline, please feel free to, but @ me so I can change the totals before the lynching!

Your vote only counts if you are playing and not yet eliminated. If there is a tie for most votes, I will pick one of the voted users at random. If there are no votes, I will pick a person at random (i.e. role will not matter) to eliminate; suffice it to say it’s in both groups’ best interest to vote for at least one person.

Finally, you are not allowed to reveal your role, privately or publicly, after you have been eliminated. You may not post screengrabs of private messages in this thread.

For reference, the 18 (?!?!!?!) players in this round are:

@squaretaper PE, @ChebyshevII PE, @ChaosMuppetPE, @MEtoEE, @jean15paul_PE, @blybrook PE, @Roarbark, @chart94, @txjennah PE, @leggo PE, @tj_PE, @NikR_PE, @Spickett, @LyceeFruit, @RBHeadge PE, @vhab49_PE, @MadamPirate, and @Audi driver, P.E.

I already sent out messages for specific roles. If you did not receive a message, then you are a regular townie.  

If you have any questions, or you would like me to tell you which players are still standing, please let me know.

The first day of voting will begin tomorrow with the first night tomorrow as well (12/10).

Good luck to all of you and LET THE HUNT (for love~) BEGIN!!!
Original list back on p238 for reference.

@squaretaper PE, @ChebyshevII PE, @ChaosMuppetPE, @MEtoEE, @leggo PE, and @LyceeFruit have all been lynched/murdered with only cheby being confirmed as mafia. The others are townies, the cop, or the Dr. 

We've got to come up with some leads. They're picking us off one by one. 

Original list back on p238 for reference.

@squaretaper PE, @ChebyshevII PE, @ChaosMuppetPE, @MEtoEE, @leggo PE, and @LyceeFruit have all been lynched/murdered with only cheby being confirmed as mafia. The others are townies, the cop, or the Dr. 

We've got to come up with some leads. They're picking us off one by one. 
This is a lead. You said that everyone but cheby is definitely a townie (special or regular). That implies you know this for a fact. The only way you could know this for a fact is if you're mafia, since as mafia, you know who the other mafia are.

This is a lead. You said that everyone but cheby is definitely a townie (special or regular). That implies you know this for a fact. The only way you could know this for a fact is if you're mafia, since as mafia, you know who the other mafia are.
I'm sorry, huh? we know the ones that got lynched that weren't mafia cause JK told us. I'm making the assumption that the ones killed by the mafia overnight would be townies/Cops/Dr. I'm not sure how that leads to me knowing who any of the mafia members  are.


This round Leggo and Lycee died, presumed good side.
Lycee voted for Chart, Leggo voted for Roarbark (switched from Char94).... 

@JayKay PE In your vote summaries, is the list of voters in order of when they voted, or order you think of them?

This round Leggo and Lycee died, presumed good side.
Lycee voted for Chart, Leggo voted for Roarbark (switched from Char94).... 

@JayKay PE In your vote summaries, is the list of voters in order of when they voted, or order you think of them?
Are you talking about the summary in the actual narrative, or the one I post in the thread during the voting?

In the narrative I list them from high to low (based on the number of votes)

The vote summary during voting usually has the voters (i.e., the people who voted to lynch) in the order they voted, but I never make it a conscious choice since when people start changing votes I move names by highlighting/dragging from line to line.

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Day 1 Looked for the tally for a few minutes and gave up. :(   (Edit: added, thanks Jaykay)
4 @Audi driver, P.E. (square pres. town, Audi, mee2 conf. town, cheb conf. mafia)
2 spickett ( vhab, madamP)
1 @ChebyshevII PE (jpaul)
7 @MEtoEE (txj, chart, lycee conf town, bly, spickett, leegggo presumed town, tj)
1 @jean15paul_PEl (roar)\
1 @ChaosMuppetPE (choas)

Day 2
3 @Spickett(tj, lycee Presumed town, chebs Confirmed MAFIA)
1 @blybrook PE (square)
1 @squaretaper PE (madam)
6 @ChebyshevII PE (vhab, txj, rbh, spickett, leggo, bly) - MAFIA LYNCEHD

Day 3 
3 @chart94 (spickett, nik, lycee confirmed vanilla town)
1 @MadamPirate (txj)
1 @txjennah PE (MadamP)
1 @Roarbark (leggo)
6 @LyceeFruit (roar, jp, chart, vhab, bly, tj) VANILLA TOWN LYNCHED
1 @Audi driver, P.E. (audi)

Edit: @JayKay PE Meant in the lists like above. Thanks!

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Day 1
Looked for the tally for a few minutes and gave up. :(  

Day 2
3 @Spickett(tj, lycee Presumed town, chebs Confirmed MAFIA)
1 @blybrook PE (square)
1 @squaretaper PE (madam)
6 @ChebyshevII PE (vhab, txj, rbh, spickett, leggo, bly) - MAFIA LYNCEHD

Day 3 
3 @chart94 (spickett, nik, lycee confirmed vanilla town)
1 @MadamPirate (txj)
1 @txjennah PE (MadamP)
1 @Roarbark (leggo)
6 @LyceeFruit (roar, jp, chart, vhab, bly, tj) VANILLA TOWN LYNCHED
1 @Audi driver, P.E. (audi)

Edit: @JayKay PE Meant in the lists like above. Thanks!
Here is Day 1 (I was drunk):

4 @Audi driver, P.E. (square, Audi, mee2, cheb)

2 spickett ( vhab, madamP)

1 @ChebyshevII PE (jpaul)

7 @MEtoEE (txj, chart, lycee, bly, spickett, leegggo, tj)

1 @jean15paul_PEl (roar)\

1 @ChaosMuppetPE (choas)

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I'm sorry, huh? we know the ones that got lynched that weren't mafia cause JK told us. I'm making the assumption that the ones killed by the mafia overnight would be townies/Cops/Dr. I'm not sure how that leads to me knowing who any of the mafia members  are.
JayKay does not tell us what anyone killed in the night is. She only reveals roles at the town lynchings.

JayKay does not tell us what anyone killed in the night is. She only reveals roles at the town lynchings.
Those folks killed in the night are killed by the mafia....I think it's safe to assume they aren't going to kill one of their own... Right? Am I wrong making that assumption?

Those folks killed in the night are killed by the mafia....I think it's safe to assume they aren't going to kill one of their own... Right? Am I wrong making that assumption?
It's never quite safe to make assumptions in this game. Common sense would say yes, the mafia are killing townspeople at night (especially  in the hopes of killing the cop and doctor) and also that they're doing so to try to preserve their numbers. But because JayKay (or whomever the given moderator is) doesn't reveal the role of players killed in the night, they could technically be anything.

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For instance, mafia have voted for other mafia in the daytime lynchings as a sort of cover for themselves, to make it seem like they aren't mafia themselves.

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I'm sorry, huh? we know the ones that got lynched that weren't mafia cause JK told us. I'm making the assumption that the ones killed by the mafia overnight would be townies/Cops/Dr. I'm not sure how that leads to me knowing who any of the mafia members  are.
JayKay does not tell us what anyone killed in the night is. She only reveals roles at the town lynchings.
Unfortunately, we don't know the night kill roll. It leaves me to wonder if we still have the Doctor or Cop this round... 

Also, the Mafia sacrifice one of their own to confuse the round, its happened before.

With this many players in this round, there's been a few guesses on the number of mafia involved (could be 4 or 5 to start with, NikR thinks we started with 4 and I tend to agree at the moment). Maybe the mafia feels one of their own is compromised and off's them in the night. As the mod doesn't clarify the roll of the night kill, it is a guess for the rest of us.

We only know that I somehow mauled one mafioso on day 2.

Those folks killed in the night are killed by the mafia....I think it's safe to assume they aren't going to kill one of their own... Right? Am I wrong making that assumption?
Yeah I think early iterations of the rules said you couldn't night kill mafia... I think I took this out, so can't completely assume, but MOST LIKELY night kills are town, since it's almost never an advantageous play to kill someone on your own team, but wanted to give the opportunity for "earning trust" type situations. Or Infighting 😂

Unfortunately, we don't know the night kill roll. It leaves me to wonder if we still have the Doctor or Cop this round... 

Also, the Mafia sacrifice one of their own to confuse the round, its happened before.

With this many players in this round, there's been a few guesses on the number of mafia involved (could be 4 or 5 to start with, NikR thinks we started with 4 and I tend to agree at the moment). Maybe the mafia feels one of their own is compromised and off's them in the night. As the mod doesn't clarify the roll of the night kill, it is a guess for the rest of us.

We only know that I somehow mauled one mafioso on day 2.

For instance, mafia have voted for other mafia in the daytime lynchings as a sort of cover for themselves, to make it seem like they aren't mafia themselves.
Fair enough. It was a poor assumption on my part.

Yeah I think early iterations of the rules said you couldn't night kill mafia... I think I took this out, so can't completely assume, but MOST LIKELY night kills are town, since it's almost never an advantageous play to kill someone on your own team, but wanted to give the opportunity for "earning trust" type situations. Or Infighting 😂
Is that a mafia only rule? I don't recall seeing that one; then again, I've yet to be on the mafia side of things, so I don't know if they get separate rules to go by.

I don't know the doc rules either, I was the cop only one round and there were some different things to keep in mind.

My my, I've been everything! Regular townie, mafia, and even the cop and doctor one time each.

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My my, I've been everything! Regular townie, mafia, and even the cop and doctor one time each.
The randomizer hasn't been that nice to me. I keep getting passed up for the fun rolls.

EDIT - Nor have I had the time to Mod, so I don't know the additional details that the Mods know.

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