EB Mafia

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For realz though. I'm studying lateral if you are interested in sharing notes or popping in on a Skypechat from time to time. Apparently, I can pass the afternoon easily enough but can't count to 40.
I'm not eligible to take it yet, unfortunately. But I do appreciate the offer!

 Sorry, Amigo. I voted for you last time because I had to protect my friend @tj_PE and considering everyone was tied at (1) vote and you made it with me to the big W last time.
No worries, I just figured you were in full chaos muppet mode.

I was going to abstain the first round, or only vote in such a way to make a massive 5+ person tie. Kinda forced me into self-preservation mode (if for only half a round)

Well, I DID say that if anyone came forth with information that could sway my vote.... so be it. This is Mafia, cutthroat even among the structurals.

Yay structurals!!
No fair, I literally don't have anyone else in my discpline on these boards.

i'm going to refrain from sharing bad puns 
Thanks. Besides, thats @ChebyshevII_PE's job!

I thought they decoupled the experience requirement. Oh well, I'm like Dad level old anyway. I have a teenage daughter...
I'm dad (or mom) level old also.  No teenagers yet, but the preteen angst at my house is through the roof.  My sister-in-law, who is only 3 years older than me, is a GRANDMOTHER! 

California has special requirements.
I get that. What I don't get is that I thought the (4) year or (3) year with MS requirement was decoupled from the exam. You still can't achieve licensure until you've hit the experience requirement as well.

I get that. What I don't get is that I thought the (4) year or (3) year with MS requirement was decoupled from the exam. You still can't achieve licensure until you've hit the experience requirement as well.
@leggo PE Isn't the rule in California that you have to have your PE first, then after so many years can sit for SE?

Sorry to hijack the mafia thread for SE purposes.

@leggo PE Isn't the rule in California that you have to have your PE first, then after so many years can sit for SE?

Sorry to hijack the mafia thread for SE purposes.
Yes, this is the case. You need three years of experience as a PE working under a licensed SE just to apply, and then must be approved before you can take the exam. The application can add somewhere between six months to a year to the timeframe until you can take the SE exam, depending on when you were licensed as a PE.

@leggo PE Isn't the rule in California that you have to have your PE first, then after so many years can sit for SE?

Sorry to hijack the mafia thread for SE purposes.
Silly states and their stupid rules. I'm still mad at Georgia and their ignoramus requirement to not accept the PE Civil/Structural exam at all. This state government is somehow simultaneously both the literal and metaphorical representation of the word butthole and its various meanings and expressions. We have 2.0 earthquakes here every other 40th blue moon, but for some reason we have to master the seismic sorcery only to never ever (once I almost saw a SDC D but it was reduced because of a shear wave velocity test) use this inane methodology on the east coast ever again (except maybe in South Carolina, in which I am licensed).

Bite me Georgia.

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