I'm a ghost, so the only useful thing I can say is SIMPLY HAVINGyou should know. Actually why not just you and @LyceeFruit tell us so we can get on with today's accusations.
I'm a ghost, so the only useful thing I can say is SIMPLY HAVINGyou should know. Actually why not just you and @LyceeFruit tell us so we can get on with today's accusations.
No...I'm a ghost, so the only useful thing I can say is SIMPLY HAVING
Where I work, we do lightning surge suppression. The equipment in our lab scares me to death.so are exploding circuit breakers & transformers - entergy had one of their 500kV transformers go about this time last year or the year before and the smoke was seen for miles and miles and miles across houston (they've apparently had a couple of transformers go in the last few years. new ones even)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOThat I was! Sorry guys crazy day on the job site.. I won’t say a story but let’s just say @leggo PE got cyanide in her eggnog at the town bash. She was sacked by the mafia last night.
I don't even like eggnog!! I should have known better. Townies, win this for me and @ChebyshevII PE!That I was! Sorry guys crazy day on the job site.. I won’t say a story but let’s just say @leggo PE got cyanide in her eggnog at the town bash. She was sacked by the mafia last night.
You won't even do it for me now that I've been killed in the night by mafia??No...
But as per RB's analysis he is not mafia. I think he must be the cop.this is suspicious
I'm not the cop either. I'm just a regular townie. You'll see!But as per RB's analysis he is not mafia. I think he must be the cop.