EB Mafia

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Sure why not let’s go @ChaosMuppetPE style and keep this interesting! That’s my bad guys I’m a horrible mod, I apologize!!!
Not a horrible mod!!!  Just bring something different to the table!  It's always fun modding and see when you 'hit your stride' and realize you can have some fun as a mod (mine was when I realized I could practice writing, ergo, everyone died in detailed ways).

@squaretaper PE always wanted a red ryder bb gun with a flask in the stock and this thing that tells time. That way, he could shoot those pesky squirrels that inevitably ended up in his christmas tree whilst sipping on some homemade eggnog. Unfortunately for him, Santa did not like to promote boozing with bb guns. So he figured he would make one himself and have the perfect christmas. He set out for the best gun maker in town @txjennah PE place. 

He arrived about half past nine oclock am to find @Roarbark and @tj_PE arguing over who had the ugliest christmas sweater. Not this again he muttered to him self, pushing past them. He walked into the shop to find @txjennah PE arguing with @RBHeadge PE, @jean15paul_PE, and @leggo PE. Things began to get heated when @leggo PE pulled out her sharpened candy cane and shouted what you want some of this? cause i dont think you want any of this!! @squaretaper PE interjected and yelled at everyone to calm down. Whats going on here?! he shouted over the noise. Well @RBHeadge PE said whilst holding a christmas tree, I found this in @txjennah PE garage and i dont remember her coming down to the lot and purchasing it. @txjennah PE clapped back, hey listen, i dont need any of your dead, limp trees you three eyed fish looking muppet. At this point @NikR_PE and @blybrook PE arrived, both hammered off of @squaretaper PE homemade eggnog belting out paul mccartneys hit christmas song. The chaos that ensued pleased the onlooking @ChaosMuppetPE who sat quietly in the corner rubbing his newly made bb gun silently saying eexxxxcellent to himself. Things were getting out of hand when suddenly, @Roarbark came crashing thru the window. @tj_PE knocked him out cold with her vicious left hook. Everyone stood there stunned. @jean15paul_PE broke the silence and stated look there is a very simple solution. All of @RBHeadge PEs trees have nuclear waste on them, (thats what made them grow so large). We will simply get a geiger counter and see. @RBHeadge PE pulled out his handheld one and it started buzzing almost instantaneously. THEIF!!! Shouted @tj_PE. Hey now, a gal has to get a tree right @txjennah PE proclaimed. Doesnt matter, @RBHeadge PE replied, i think you need a good chipping.. at that moment, @jean15paul_PE lept into @txjennah PE knocking her into @blybrook PE who swung at @NikR_PE knocking him into the silver and gold pile. @txjennah PE and @squaretaper PE punched back at @jean15paul_PE, while the awakening @Roarbark karate chopped @blybrook PE. Meanwhile @leggo PE lent two sharpened candy canes to @RBHeadge PE and @tj_PE who then proceeded to stab @txjennah PE thru her eyes. As they continued needlessly stabbing her lifeless corpse, a note fell out of her pocket, on it was crudely written "take out the tomatoe." 

Well this calls for more eggnog  @NikR_PE and @blybrook PE shout at the same time. That night the town got plastered while cooking @txjennah PE christmas ham on a spit belting out Paul Mccartneys hit christmas song. 

@txjennah PE was mafia
Just now reading this all the way through....candy canes through the eyes. You heartless bastards 😂😂😂

@squaretaper PE always wanted a red ryder bb gun with a flask in the stock and this thing that tells time. That way, he could shoot those pesky squirrels that inevitably ended up in his christmas tree whilst sipping on some homemade eggnog. Unfortunately for him, Santa did not like to promote boozing with bb guns. So he figured he would make one himself and have the perfect christmas. He set out for the best gun maker in town @txjennah PE place. 

He arrived about half past nine oclock am to find @Roarbark and @tj_PE arguing over who had the ugliest christmas sweater. Not this again he muttered to him self, pushing past them. He walked into the shop to find @txjennah PE arguing with @RBHeadge PE, @jean15paul_PE, and @leggo PE. Things began to get heated when @leggo PE pulled out her sharpened candy cane and shouted what you want some of this? cause i dont think you want any of this!! @squaretaper PE interjected and yelled at everyone to calm down. Whats going on here?! he shouted over the noise. Well @RBHeadge PE said whilst holding a christmas tree, I found this in @txjennah PE garage and i dont remember her coming down to the lot and purchasing it. @txjennah PE clapped back, hey listen, i dont need any of your dead, limp trees you three eyed fish looking muppet. At this point @NikR_PE and @blybrook PE arrived, both hammered off of @squaretaper PE homemade eggnog belting out paul mccartneys hit christmas song. The chaos that ensued pleased the onlooking @ChaosMuppetPE who sat quietly in the corner rubbing his newly made bb gun silently saying eexxxxcellent to himself. Things were getting out of hand when suddenly, @Roarbark came crashing thru the window. @tj_PE knocked him out cold with her vicious left hook. Everyone stood there stunned. @jean15paul_PE broke the silence and stated look there is a very simple solution. All of @RBHeadge PEs trees have nuclear waste on them, (thats what made them grow so large). We will simply get a geiger counter and see. @RBHeadge PE pulled out his handheld one and it started buzzing almost instantaneously. THEIF!!! Shouted @tj_PE. Hey now, a gal has to get a tree right @txjennah PE proclaimed. Doesnt matter, @RBHeadge PE replied, i think you need a good chipping.. at that moment, @jean15paul_PE lept into @txjennah PE knocking her into @blybrook PE who swung at @NikR_PE knocking him into the silver and gold pile. @txjennah PE and @squaretaper PE punched back at @jean15paul_PE, while the awakening @Roarbark karate chopped @blybrook PE. Meanwhile @leggo PE lent two sharpened candy canes to @RBHeadge PE and @tj_PE who then proceeded to stab @txjennah PE thru her eyes. As they continued needlessly stabbing her lifeless corpse, a note fell out of her pocket, on it was crudely written "take out the tomatoe." 

Well this calls for more eggnog  @NikR_PE and @blybrook PE shout at the same time. That night the town got plastered while cooking @txjennah PE christmas ham on a spit belting out Paul Mccartneys hit christmas song. 

@txjennah PE was mafia


Like an arc flash? Those are nasty.
so are exploding circuit breakers & transformers - entergy had one of their 500kV transformers go about this time last year or the year before and the smoke was seen for miles and miles and miles across houston (they've apparently had a couple of transformers go in the last few years. new ones even) 

Transformer explosions and fires are creepy. Spooky glow with strange colors, reflects off the clouds in an ominous way.

The third dumbest thing I ever did was to go up onto my roof of my condo prior to the 2011 derecho. We were trying to get lightning photos. Instead we saw this wave of small strange multi colored explosions approaching us. It wasn't until the winds started to really pick up that I realized they were transformer explosions due to high wind and storm effects, and that we were about to lose power for a very long time.

so if we all vote before the murder happens does it count for today? 

My reaction when @tj_PE changed her vote on Monday.


which vote was that? I have not been keeping up due to work stuff. i thought we started tuesday.
from txj to lycee

and I only changed it bc we needed to get one and not just maybe get one or the other :p
