EB Mafia

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The crime wave continues unabated. The townies once again raid the courthouse and look at @NikR's profile. They learned that he was once ticketed for flying a kite in Chicago.* @Audi driver, P.E. reminds everyone that @ChebyshevII PE has a criminal record too (buying a matress on a Sunday) and that almost no-one knows his real name.

But it doesn't matter. The kite-haters prevailed.


The town voted:

@ChebyshevII PE 2 votes (audi, nikr)

@NikR 3 votes (cheby, vhab, tj)

@NikR was lynched by the town.

He was a regular townie.
Since i am dedded, i can go here if I get time


I’m in process of changing up my sleep schedule a bit, since I haven’t been very good about being consistent.

I moved my alarm clock to the other side of the room so i’d Be forced to get up to turn it off, instead of being tempted to hit snooze.

So far it’s been a success. I haven’t hit snooze once this week, and I managed to get up before 6 every work morning so far. It’s given me time to make breakfast and eat it at home, and catch up on a little reading before starting my day.

And, I feel a lot better because of it.

I originally thought there were three but I was wrong about that.

From the grave, my ghost is believing the current vote is correct.

The cop (@blybrook PE)  was murdered in the night two days ago. The doctor (@JayKay0914) was murdered four days ago. The town is afraid, but they confident that the crime wave will be over soon. The townies are certain they have found the last mafia member. The vote was unanimous:  2 votes for @Audi driver, P.E..

The town lynched @Audi driver, P.E..

He was a regular townie.

A mischievous grin emerges on 

@ChebyshevII PE's face. He turns to @tj_PE draws his gun and says "Rock, Paper, Scissors?"
@ChebyshevII PE and @tj_PE. We are going to play rock paper scissors to determine the winner. Best 2 of three. I need each of you to send me a PM with their selections for 10 rounds of rock paper scissors. I figure this is cleaner than me flipping a coin to pick a winner. I'll compare each list and see who wins the round, then post the winner.











